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I come back to our hotel room alone. It's dark and the only sound comes from the ice machine in the kitchen. Moonlight streams into my little room through the windows as I flop onto the oversized bed.

I'm a fucking idiot.

I gave Niall another chance, after he said those nasty and horrible things to me. Asshole.

But this is the absolute last chance I'll give him. It's not like I don't have options, I mean Zayn is practically my boyfriend anyway. If Niall ever says anything remotely similar to what he said the other week, we're done. Done in any way shape or form possible.

Then I hear a faint buzz. I check my phone and it's not that, maybe it's the doorbell? I walk to the main door, the night creeping up to me as I sprint over and check through the peephole.

"What are you doing here?" I ask opening the door to Niall.

"I wanted to talk," he says stepping into the room without an in invitation. I close the door and watch him as he looks around the living room then flops onto a couch.

"You?" I ask crossing my arms infront of me, "you want to talk?"

"Just sit down Rose," he says patting the couch beside him. I oblige and pull my right leg up under me and lean my arm onto the back of the couch to face him.


The lighting makes her look like that girl from Frozen, the ice lady whatever her name is. Damn, she looks so...good.

"What do you need to talk about? How'd you even find the apartment?" she asks, her eyebrow picking up at the corner.

"When Louis and I were friends we came here with a group, he always rented this room too," I admit with a shrug. Louis has never been one to get creative with stuff, he'll make it seem like it's new just for you but it's not, he's done it all before.

"Why are you here again?"

I sigh and look at my hands, "I want to talk about us." Now I look at her and she looks taken aback, like she's surprised there is even an 'us.'

"Okay? Since when is there an us?"

"Since I took you to the beach," I admit and she laughs.

"So you throwing my misfortune in my face is your way of saying you like someone?"

"Okay maybe there's been an us since the bonfire thing," she seems to recall the experience and looks away from me.

"Really," she says softly and I inch a little closer to her.

"Yeah, look Rose, you make me feel," I try to find a word. Im really not good at this crap, I'd never done this with June, "whole."

"What?" she looks at me now, her fingers trace shapes onto her thighs in anticipation for what I'll say next.

"Whole. You make me feel like a person and not some I don't know, thing," I say and look around the large room that I remember all too well a year ago, this is where...

"Are you tying to say I complete you?" she asks snapping me from my thoughts.

I nod, "I've always had a thing for you," she laughs, "seriously Rose, I'm being honest with you."

"I bet you've used this on June too," she smiles and I bite my cheek.

"Just you," I admit, "I fucking hate the you're different crap it's sickening to see and hear it over and over but you, you're not," I have to stop myself, "I can't say anything without being cliche about it."

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