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When we reach Zayn's tiny apartment he leads me up the steps and inside. It's quaint and inviting as he sets my bag down on the floor.

"Well, my room is down at the end of the hall, you can go check it out if you want," Zayn smiles then heads off out of the room. I look around, not knowing what to do then decide to go have a look. It's a small walk down the hallway to the first door on the right, when the white door is opened I find a large bed with dark blue sheets. The curtains over the two small windows are white, which match the lampshade right next to the bed.

"Like it?" Zayn asks from behind me, making me jump a little.

"It's nice, for a boys room," I tease, remembering my brother Adams room and how horribly messy and smelly it was and probably still is.

"Well I'm pretty organized," he smiles and holds up my bag, "go on and get settled in, I'll just grab some extra sheets and put them in the living room," Zayn brushes past me and into his bedroom.

"I know it'll seem bad and everything, but why don't we just share your bed? I mean I hate to force you out of your bed and it seems big enough for the both of us," Zayn freezes temporarily in his hunched over position as he tries to retrieve sheets.

"No I don't think that's a very good idea, Rose."

"Well why not?" Zayn stands with a pile of sheets in his arms, "there is more than enough room, I really hate to make you sleep on the couch for a month or more," I explain and he looks at the ground.

"I shouldn't," he shakes his head then looks at me, "anyway, you probably hog the bed."

We smile at each other then awkwardly pass one another in the doorway. As I look around I am brought back to memories of my first night at Nialls first apartment. When he was thinking we'd go all the way but I flipped a shit and he got pissed. Now all he does is get pissed about me rather than at me then hurt himself in the process.

He doesn't want to end up like his mother or father and I respect that but he has to own up to his mistakes, I cannot be there to save him every time he gets hurt.

Except this time, I really need him here, with me so I know he's okay. Is his brother making sure he stays rested or is he allowing him up and around? Is Theo going to throw a fit and make Niall lose his temper?

But, Niall was really easy going when it came to leaving, almost like he'd wanted to go. Maybe he was tired of me? I mean his last relationship sure did go to shit, I wouldn't be surprised if he was pushing me away, especially with how everything has been going for him. The seizures, the operation a while back and now his car accident? I'm not surprised he wants to get away from me.

Oh fuck, his truck was totaled. I'll have to get with Greg about getting Niall a new car, a much better one at that, one that doesn't have stick shift.

"Rose," I hear Zayn calling, pulling me from my thoughts. I turn around and see him in the doorway, "you wanna watch a movie or something?"


We ended up watching the Conjuring and the Possession, not my first two picks at all. I get horrified of horror movies, my anxiety causing me to have panic attacks at 3 in the morning for a month minimum.

"Well, now you have to share the bed with me, I won't be sleeping until Niall does come back now," I say in all seriousness but Zayn laughs.

"You're a grown woman, you can take care of yourself," he smiles from beside me on his couch as he pops the DVD drawer closed and turns on regular cable.

"I'm in a new place, we just watched two personally horrifying movies and I'm dealing with the newly prolonged distance from my boyfriend, I'm less than stable right now."

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