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I get Zayn out and decide to do something with myself today and head down to the courtyard. The weather is nice for this time of the year. Usually it's cold on campus but this year it's pretty warm.

Niall sits in the seat across from me.

"What'd he do to you last night," Niall asks quickly.


"What did he do Rose?" Niall nearly yells at me.

"Just flirted with me," I say shyly. it sounds so silly but I didn't like it.

"All of that over flirting?"

"Why didn't you wait with me for Liam?" I ask before he stands.

"Why would I?" he asks picking at his lip ring.

"I thought you were nice, or cared," I feel hurt, betrayed.

"I care, why else would I ask for your side of what happened and not believe my friend?" Niall defends himself and looks me in the eye.

"I'm sorry," I whisper and he leans back in the seat. "I just," I don't know.

"I punched him, he's done shit before," Niall says and looks at the table.

"Oh," is all I can think of. All i can manage.

"That's all you've got?"

"Did you hurt yourself?" I ask and hold my hand out. He gets my gesture and puts his hand in mine. I turn it over and see his knuckles are scrapped.

"You didn't get this just from hitting Harry," I say sternly. Niall snaps his hand away from me.

"So?" he asks and looks everywhere but at me, "since I had to work with you for class I haven't been in this many fights."

"You say it's my fault?" I ask and see a fire ignite in him.

"Yes, I never had an issue with my friends until you showed up," Niall crossed his arms over his chest. I can't think of a response so my eyes travel to his flexing arms. How the tattoos bulge slightly with his muscles being extended and contracted.

"It's not my fault he scares me," I say slowly.

"Harry only scares you because he's bigger than you," Niall fights.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I feel my voice raise uncontrollably.

"It means you're ruining all my friends! They all want you and they can't!"

"Who are you to say they can't like me?" I am standing now and he is too. Niall is in my face and I look at the crowd we're drawing.

"Who are you to go fucking around with Zayn?" he's yelling full volume now.

"Don't yell at me!" I yell back and shove. Must I resort to shoving?

"Don't push me Rose," he gives me a shove then turns around and storms off. I cant help but run after him.

What am I doing?!

"You jealous or something?" I yell standing infront of him. In the midst of anger Niall is pretty imtimidating. His nose flares, his chest heaves as his breathing increases and his hands clinch into fists.

"Fuck off Rose," Niall tries to walk past me but I don't let him. I'm insane.

"Why do you care then huh? Why do you care if I hang out with Zayn?" We're still drawing a crowd but by now I'm infuriated.

"Because I care! Fuck off," Niall pushes me out of the way and I stumble before catching my footing. That asshole. He's a complete asshole.


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