(50) Epilouge

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Chapter songs: Problem- Ariana Grande


Niall was sentenced 6 months in prison.

Two weeks after the hearing, Zayn texts Liam telling him that he is moving back for the UK with his family.

Hearing it through the grapevine, Louis dumped Paige and Paige left for a university in Alabama. Louis and Eleanor are dating though and from what I understand they are very happy. I've been out on a date with them, much to my displeasure but they did seem very happy.

Harry, he left the university and moved to Seattle, God knows why. From what I understand from Eleanor, theres some kind of publishing company up in Seattle, he knows the owner or something.

But, Niall was being released today. Liam and I were there, sitting in the car with the motor off while Nialls brother Greg and sister-in-law Denise were picking him up. The weather was still a little chilly, it was mid- February and the leaves were slowly coming back, everyone was still a little bundled up though.

"I feel bad watching from your car like this," I say softly. Liam's thumb rubs my hand in comfort. I was also getting a little cold, without the heater running, the cold air was entering through the vents.

"Babe, it's fine if you want to get out and see him."

"I shouldn't, he hates me. If I get out it will only make things worse for the both of us," I look at my boyfriend who offers a soft and comforting smile.

"Well, either we sit here like freaks, turn the car around and leave or we go up there and say hello," Liam maps out my options and I sigh as I mull them over. One reason to not get out was that it's cold and I hate cold weather. The second reason was Niall hates me. But the only reason I could think to get out was just to see him. Oh and that it will be warm in the prison, much warmer than it is out here.

"Lets just get out, I can hardly stand it."

Liam leads me to the front doors of the prison, I hold onto his arm nervously as his thumb continuously rubs the back of my hand. I pull my coat closed a little more, and mess with Liam's leather jacket. He opens the door for me allowing me to step inside and see Greg hunched over a desk and writing something. The warm air hits my cheeks and I feel the blood rushing back to them.

My eyes scan the small waiting room as my gaze falls on Denise's back. She's talking to someone and little Theo is stomping around on the black and white tiles.

Liam points unnessicarily in the direction of Denise and walks ahead of me to greet her. My steps are small, slow and uncertain as we approach Denise. She moves aside when we get to her, she sees us and offers a hello but I don't hear it. Everything fades off when my eyes lock on Niall.

Niall is sitting on a red, uncomfortable looking chair and watching his feet. There he is, his arms a little bigger, more facial hair and his hair longer and less blonde than I was used to. Liam speaks to Denise and I but in all honesty I'm not listening.

Finally, Niall looks up from staring at his shoes and sees me standing a few feet in front of him. He looks surprised, a little taken back by my presence. His fingers curl into a fist, mine are shoved into the pockets of my coat.

The distant sound of Greg's voice resisters in my head as he picks up conversation with Liam.

"Hi, Niall," I speak softly. My heart is pounding and my palms begin to dampen in my purple coat pockets.

Niall looks me up and down a few times, not saying a word before he stands and towers over me. I look up to him, words catching in my throat because I have no idea what he'll do or say or what I might do or say.

Liam turns and is now on my left, his arm snaking around my waist. He greets Niall too and the blonde notices Liam's arm, then returns his gaze to me. My eyes are still set on Niall, but one hand comes out of my pocket to grab hold of Liam's hand, pulling our hands in between us.

Niall watches me and his eyes are as blue as ever, his lips part to speak but he pauses. Liam clears his throat and this time Niall says something.

"I fucking missed you," Niall whispers and my heart flatlines.

Here we go again.


AN: OMG!! Thorn is finally over! Those of you who have been here since the beginning remember this story as "Runaway" and Rose was "Grace." Haha, oh man...I'm very excited this story is over because I have two new stories for you all!

If you loved this story then you will LOVE my new series (following Niall of course) called Lady Direction! Hopefully it will be ready to go by mid November. A basic summary is: marriage, disloyalty and touring.

Then, my second book is The Playlist, full of one shots and songs and the boys. Y'all will love it I promise! The first one will be posted Sunday so add the preface to your libraries now if you haven't already!

So please follow me, add The Playlist to your libraries and await Lady Direction to be posted!

I am so excited for Lady Direction it is beautiful.

Shoutout to Imaginator1D because I made an After reference. If you find it (it shouldn't be too hard to find it) then comment inline lol.

But alas, Thorn is no more and I hope you guys loved it as much I as did if not more (because I didn't like this story too much!) However, thank you all for reading and voting.

One more update on this book after this one!

Lol, please keep reading my stories, this isn't the last of me!

Love, Gigi.

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