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I awake in the middle of the night to movement in the dorm. I sit up and tug on the pull on my beside lamp and see Niall putting his clothes on.

"What are you doing?" I ask as he buttons his black jeans.

"I can't stay here," he counters and I stand and make my way to him.

"What's wrong?" I ask holding his arm to stop him from putting his shirt on.

He looks anywhere but at me, "I know you're going out with Zayn," he says in a tone I can't place. But it sounds hurt.

"I'm not seeing him," I defend and try to get him to look at me. He does and purses his lips together.

"Whatever," he jerks his arm away from me and pulls his shirt on over his head, "where are my keys?" Niall is looking allover the room for them.

"You're hungover," I don't want him to leave. My heart is beating fast as he finds them.

"Good job Rose, you know that after being drunk comes the hangover," he spits and grabs his wallet and jean jacket.

"Please don't," i hear myself plead as he holds the door knob. I see the clock on Paige's bedside table and it reads 4:57 AM. It's much too early for this.

'I'm not staying here if you're going to give me the wrong message," he turns and faces me.

"I'm not sending you any message?" I say and watch his hand turn at the doorknob.

"What do you call changing infront of me huh?" he is starting to yell. Great.

"I'm not going to fight with you right now," I say and grab his hand. He pulls it away like I was a fire and he was stupid enough to put his hand in.

"Well thats great Rose because I'm not staying here if you're going around with Zayn and making me feel things..." Niall trails off and puts his hand to his face. My shoulders slouch and I feel heavy.

"I'm sorry," I say, or I think I say. I'm so quiet I have to question myself.

"No, I'm sorry for thinking something would come of anything with you! You do these things that make me feel like you like me or enjoy my company then I see his name on your phone messages," he stops talking.

"You're looking at my phone?" I ask and back away from him.

"It was buzzing and," I stop him by raising my hand and look at him.

"I dont give a shit what your excuse is, you don't look at my phone," I feel anger bubble up from my stomach. "What's it matter if I talk to Zayn anyway, we're friends, who the fuck are you to say who I can and can't talk to?"

"Fuck you Rose," Niall opens the door and slams it. I put my hands on the closed door and lock it.

I fucking hate him.


Paige and Louis make their way into the dorm room and I shuffle from the noise. It's only 11:26 guys shut the hell up. Then I sit up realizing the time, I always hate waking up so late.

"Hey Rosie," Paige says and hugs me, I don't move to return the hug so she pulls away and looks at her bed, "what happened?" she turns to me and Louis looks at me too.

"Niall stayed the night," I admit and swing my legs over the edge of my bed.

"Niall?" Louis asks as Paige scurries to make her bed up.

"Yeah, he was drunk and I didn't want him driving," I explain and go to help Paige.

"So you brought him here?" Louis asks with anger growing in his voice.

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