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It's 2am and Rose is half asleep, half commenting on the late night QVC shows. One minute she's whispering against my chest, "oh that necklace is pretty, but not for that price," then the next second she snoring lightly.

When she wakes up again I rub her back, "why don't you go home, I'll be okay."

"I'm fine, I'm awake," she protests and I laugh.

"Yeah for now, you've fallen asleep four times in the past 10 minutes," I reach for my pants on the table near my bed but Rose grabs my arm.

"I'm okay," the bags under her eyes are the size of suitcases. It's obvious she needs rest but I know as well as she does that if she leaves she'll sleep worse than she would if she slept here.

"Humor me," I say and grab my keys before she can stop me. "Call a cab and have them take you to my place," I don't want you here anymore, come back tomorrow afternoon.

"Niall, I'm staying no matter how much you beg me, I'm not leaving you in this crappy hospital by yourself," Rose fights and pushes herself off my chest.

"I'll call Zayn to come and get you if you don't go," I warn and she laughs bitterly.

"He has class, he wouldn't come all this way just to pick me up and take me to your place."

"then call yourself a fucking cab because I don't want you here, I hate hospitals and I know you do too."

"I've never said I hate hospitals Niall, never to you," she gets off the bed and riffles through her purse and pulls out her phone, "but if you'll shut the hell up about it I'll call Zayn."

After about thirty minutes Zayn shows up to pick her up looking exhausted. Rose stands and throws her arms around him in a hug, "I'm so sorry to call you this late," she says into his chest and is feel my face flush with hot anger.

"no worries, I don't have an 8 o'clock tomorrow," he smiles and looks at me, "how you doing mate?"

"Fucking tired," I answer and rub my eyes harder than I'd meant to. I hear her sigh and I look at her, she is visibly upset as she grabs hold of Zayns arm.

"If you could take me to my dorm that would be awesome," she fakes a yawn as Zayn nods in agreement.

"That's an extra 15 minute drive Rose, just take her to my place," I counter and she shoots me an angry look. I can tell she's had enough of my shit to last a lifetime. "Rose just go to my damn apartment," I toss Zayn the keys and she continues with the ugly glare.

"I want to go to my dorm," she says calmer than expected and pulls Zayn from the room not giving him a chance to say goodbye. I hear her slam the door, leaving me to stew in my own juices.


"so where am I taking you?" Zayn asks with a chuckle as he produces his car keys from his jacket pocket.

"My dorm," I answer and open the car door and slide into the passenger seat.

Zayn gets in and starts the car. As he backs out of his parking spot he glances at me and says, " I don't mean to get into your relationship, but I think it would help Niall if you went to his place."

"How could that possibly help him?" I scoff as he turns onto a road and continues.

"Because I guess hed know you're safe." Zayn glances at me from his seat and keeps talking, "he was really adamant about you staying at his place anyway."

"That's because he's stubborn," I counter and he smiles. I watch him as he tries to find words. his teeth glisten in the streetlights and his hands tighten a little on the wheel, knowing that I'm watching him.

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