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Chapter Songs: "You & I"- One Direction


"I need to get out of here," I rush my words and feel my heart beating against my ribcage. Zayns head lowers to me as he rests his hand on my shoulder.

"Come outside ok," he whispers and beings to tug me along behind him.

I jerk out of his grasp, "no, no way. I need to go back to my dorm."

"Rose please. just hear me out," again his hands find my shoulders and this time I allow him to guide me out into his backyard.

If I was in my right mind I would take in the breath taking wilderness surrounding me, all the flowers, the little pond...but I wasn't in my right mind.

"How could you keep this from me!"

"You never told me," Zayn shrugs and my breath hitches, "I didn't think you'd ever find out."

"But you knew! You knew this whole time I was the one he rapped and you said nothing!"

"Trust me, I'd of," I cut him off.

"Trust you? You want me to trust you free this?" I laugh from anger and look at him, "you're insane for thinking I can trust you again."

Zayn sighs as his hand rubs the back of his neck, "you wouldn't of talked to me had I told you."

"How do you know that?" I yell and get closer to him, "I trusted you with so much and you've ruined this by keeping it from me!"

He begins to look aggravated, his forehead wrinkling and his fists clinching, "I didn't know it was you until a month or so into knowing you. I was being so kind to you because I was trying to make up for what he did."

"So you were nice to me for no other reason? That's really great to know that everything we've been through was fake."

"Rose," Zayn coos and holds my arms, "when we met how I acted was exactly how I felt. I was totally crushing on you, then I remembered and knew I had to do something. I couldn't have possibly told you the second we met that I was his cousin." Zayn's eyes meet mine and he sighs deeply. "Please, just believe me."

My teeth tug at my lower lip, he seems incredibly sincere but I still feel betrayed, broken.

"Take me home when lunch is over," I state cooly. I remain where I stand to await his response, he shoves his hands into his jean pockets and watches the ground for a minute.

"Don't you believe me?" He finally asks as he looks up to me, his eyes pleading and searching for an answer on my face. I sigh and purse my lips as I switch my weight from foot to foot.

"I believe," my eyes watch him as a brief amount of hope flashes across his face, "that I want to go to my dorm as soon as lunch is over."

My feet carry me away from Zayn and to the backdoor, I feel bad leaving him and being so cold to him but what did he expect? His mother is still in the kitchen, Waliyha helping her by tossing vegitables into a steaming pan. I find a seat on the couch, crossing my arms over my chest and staring at the picture infront of me.

How dare he think keeping it from me was a good idea? How dare he keep this from me and decide to throw it at me? How dare he.

"Rose!" I hear Zayn's mother call from the kitchen, Zayn enteres a moment later, his eyes falling on me then the floor, "there you are," she comes into the living room, now standing between Zayn and I. She wipes her hands on a rag and looks between the both of us, "lunch is ready, why dont the two of you go wash up."

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