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Zayn drops me off at the apartment, Greg had shown up and I became so hysterical that he insisted on taking me home.

"Why don't you go shower, I'll get you some food cooking."

"I'm not hungry."

"Rose," Zayn puts an arm around my shoulder and looks at me intensely. "You need to calm down and eat."

"How am I supposed to eat when Niall is in the hospital?" I ask jerking myself away from his grasp.

"Okay, alright, then just take a shower for me, yeah?" he holds both my shoulders and looks into my eyes.

"Only if you tell me why he was at your place," I feel tears brim my eyes.

"Ask him, really it's not my place to tell you, it's something the two of you have to work out."

I huff in annoyance and anger and storm off to the bathroom without another word. I lock the door and tear my clothes from my body, the anger filling me over why he was out in the first place and the accident. I begin sobbing and turn on the shower, stepping in and letting the water run over my face and body.

When I'm done nearly thirty minutes later I step out and back into the same clothes, too lazy and upset to change into something new. I brush out my hair half heartily and exit the bathroom to find Zayn cooking in our kitchen.

"I told you I wasn't hungry."

Zayn smirks, "well I am. I made enough for two so if you change your mind," he holds up two ready plates loaded with food and sets them on the dinner table. Hot steam rises from the scrambled eggs, the bacon, the ham and my stomach grumbles

"I heard that, now sit and eat at least the bacon," Zayn barely sits before he begins shoving ham into his mouth.

I sit slowly and look down at the food. it looks so good I can hardly stand it. the fork is in my hand before I can stop myself and I shovel food into my mouth. not five minutes later I'm done with the plate and watching Zayn eat.

He smiles and slides his leftover eggs to me, "I'm not much of a fan of eggs anyway."

"Lets go see Niall," I say and shovel the last forkful into my moth.

Zayn laughs, "okay, but don't freak out on me again. I don't think I can take it."


At the hospital we find Greg in the waiting room, Nialls tattered jacket and shoes in his hands.

"They're releasing him soon," Greg says without a hello. "he's got two broken ribs, a fractured skull, broken nose and a new seizure prescription."

"Where is he?" I ask, my worry growing about his attitude about the whole experience.

"Same place he was when you left. they say his seat belt ripped right in half on impact. the other driver is in surgery, I knew that damn truck was too old to be driving," Greg runs his hands through his hair in stress.

"What was he doing out anyway?"

"He was at my place," Zayn answers quickly. by now I'm so anxious to see him I grab Zayns hand and begin to tug ever so slightly.

"I think it may be best, with finals over and all, for him to come stay with my wife and I until he's better," Greg says slowly.

My head snaps in Nialls brothers direction, "no, no way."

"It's in his best interest, Rose."

"No, I can take care of him, he's fine and safe here," I nearly yell, tears catch in my throat as I ball my fists up. "I've taken care of him before, he's fine, I want him here."

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