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I arrive at the hospital and spy Zayn at a vending machine. I dash over to him and grab his arm to get his attention. "Hey," I smile and he returns it, "how's he doing?"

"Better, he's not awake yet but he's better," Zayn smiles and holds up a bag of chips, "hungry?"

"No, just take me to Niall," I feel bad to decline when I'm infact starving but I'm on the edge just knowing Niall could've woken up by now and have no idea where he is. Zayn leads me down the hallway, my wrist wrapped limply around his arm and I feel anxious.

Well really I don't know what to feel.

Finally we reach the room and I trample my way in. I don't know what I was expecting when I reach the other side of the curtain that blocks the door from the bed. Niall is sleeping peacefully, his hair is incredibly shorter but still there thankfully. It'll grow back.

I reach the side of the bed and realize how unnaturally pale he is, lack of food I guess and all the medication.

Zayn taps me on the shoulder and I whip around, "I got you a chair," Zayn smiles and I take it eagerly.

"Thank you," I whisper without looking at him, I'm watching Niall, looking for any signs he's waking up. I take a seat and grab for Niall's hand, hoping the contact might wake him but it doesn't.

My other hand finds his hair line, shorter by inches, and I play with it a little. Then I see where he was cut open and jerk my hand back, glistening silver staples are seen through the slightly parted hair. Now I just want to break down and cry. I give his hand a squeeze before I touch his face, when I do so, that's when he moves.

"Niall," I whisper as his eyes flutter open, he looks like he'd woken up with a terrible hangover. He grunts and tries to sit up but I lightly hold him down, "you're okay, you're in the hospital." I inform him and he looks around slowly, like it pains him.

"Why?" his voice is raspy, "why?" he repeats and I find a glass of water for him.

"You needed major surgery," I hold the glass and white straw to his mouth but he pushes it away.


"You had a seizure in the parking lot at school and hit your head on the pavement. You had internal bleeding so they had to operate," I explain and try to get Niall to drink again. He accepts the water this time, gulping it down in a few seconds.

"Did you find me or?" Niall asks as I set the empty cup on the table by his bed and take a seat.

"Liam and I did," I take his hand again but he doesn't react to it.

"Oh," he looks at his lap then his eyes follow the chords attached to him. "are you okay? You don't look good."

"Me? You, you look horrible," I smile a little and reach my hand to his face again, "want me to find a nurse to bring you some food?"

"You need sleep," Niall ignores my question.

"I slept this morning," I say and look at Zayn for once who moves from the couch on the other side of the room.

"Zayn?" Niall squints at him like he can't read what the teacher is writing on the board.

"Yeah buddy," Zayn smiles, "how you feelin'?"

"Like I've had bricks dumped on me," Niall rubs his eyes with his free hand, still holding mine and continues to talk to Zayn, "what's with you people, didn't you take Rose to get some sleep?"

"She slept at Liam's," Zayn answers and looks at me then Niall again, "I'll go get you a food tray." Zayn exits quietly and Niall looks at me again.

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