Chapter 1: Dwarves?

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I don't own any pictures, songs, characters, or anything except for my characters, Líreth, Nanor, Nemirel, Húron, and Oreth. Also forgive me in advance if the translations or if certain words aren't correct. Enjoy!

~2800 T.A. (Third Age)~
The battle was long and tiresome, I had battled the Noldor elves and the seven sons of Fëanor with all my might. During the battle I had lost sight of my nephew, Dior. I had my daggers tucked in my belt. My scabbard hung around my shoulder which held my swords, Echo and Gladius.

I had finally gained conscious and it was then when I realized where I was, I laid amongst the rubble. I slowly climbed to my feet as I clutched my side...I was devastated at the sight. The kingdom of Doriath was no more, there were several dead bodies of my kin, slain and vanquished at the hands of the Noldor elves. The ships of our people, the Teleri and Sindarins were burned down to mere ashes. One question had remained in my mind. What am I going to do now? 

I snapped out of my thoughts. I still thought about the past every now and then. We lost the battle against the Noldor elves, but my twin brother, Nanor and I managed to stay alive. We wandered around as the ages went by, and now we live in a small village not too far from Bree. I worked as a merchant, selling and trading goods such as furs, jewels, metals, cloths, spices, and other items in our village, Bree, Shire, and other villages. Nanor worked as a blacksmith in his small shop, which was right next to our cottage that together we built. I had my own cottage, which lies towards the outskirts of the village.

Nanor was married to a Silvan woman named Nemirel, and together they had two sons, Húron and Oreth. Nemirel also worked, she worked and owned her own shop of pastries.

Oreth was twenty years old, however he appeared to be seven years old. He had medium long black hair with gray eyes, just like Nanor. Húron looked just like his mother, he had medium long auburn hair and green eyes. He was a hundred years old, and had already reached full age. He worked with Nanor in his shop.

Nanor and Nemirel had a daughter who was already matured and would be around five hundred and something this year...however we lost her when we were ambushed by orcs. We were near the forest of the Mirkwood kingdom when it happened, I felt terrible that I couldn't have done anything to save her. Nanor is convinced that she's dead, but Nemirel believes that she still lives on somewhere.

I had just returned from selling my items. I returned from Bree on my horse, Lagorel who was pulling my cart. Our village was rather small with only a few shops, an inn, a tavern, and a couple of homes. We were the only elves living here, but everyone here was rather nice. 

After about an hour or so, I had arrived near our village. The village was rather lively, more than usual. When I was merely feet away from our village, I saw Oreth running towards me with his usual bright smile on his face. "Aunt Líreth!"

"Oreth!" I exclaimed as I ordered Lagorel to stop.

At once she stopped right before Oreth. I dismounted off my horse to give Oreth a hug. He always greeted me when I came back from Bree or other places. Húron use to do the same back when he was younger, but I know he's now busying helping his ada with his shop.

"Good afternoon, Oreth." I added. "What news do you bring today?"

"You'll never believe it! This morning after you left, enfeng arrived at our village." Oreth informed me.

My lips twitched at his words. Dwarves in our village, that's highly unlikely. Our village only consisted of us and humans. I said nothing else of the matter, but instead I placed Oreth in front of me in the saddle and we soon reached the village. Sure enough just like Oreth said there were dwarves.

There were dwarves all over, several helping out at shops, while others doing their own things in their campsite. As soon as we reached Nanor's shop, I dismounted off of Lagorel and helped Oreth get off.

As soon as we entered Nanor's shop, I was taken back by what I saw. There in his shop I saw a dwarf, working in brother's shop! The dwarf looked rather handsome, he had long raven black hair with several braids held together by intricate beads and a small beard. He wore a fur coat over his dark green tunic, he also brown trousers and black boots. He looked much taller than other dwarves.

In his large and rough looking hands with silver rings, he had clutched a hammer in one hand and in the other the product of what he was making. His icy blue eyes narrowed as soon as he saw me.

"What are you doing in here?!" I snapped.

"Working." The dwarf retorted.

Before I could say anything, I heard my brother's voice reached us. "I hired him, gwathel."

I turned around to face him to see his son, Húron with him as well. I was taken back by the way he was so kind to's unbelievable, I could never do such a thing. Nanor then turned towards Oreth. "Oreth, why don't you go to your nana and visit her at her shop?"

Oreth nodded vigorously before taking off out of the shop. Once he left, I spoke up. "May I have a word with you, tôr?"

He nodded. "Understood. Húron, stay here in case any customers arrive."

With that Nanor and I walked out the backdoor where we could speak. He knew very well that this was going to be a long conversation.


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