Chapter 45: Leaving

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At night, we reurned to Edoras where the officials, women, Morwen, and Théoden were all waiting for us in the Golden Hall. They all cheered and clapped for us when we entered. Morwen and Théoden immediately ran over and embraced Thengel, who chuckled and wore a huge grin. It warmed my heart, but it also made me miss my family. I wonder what Thorin and the children were doing right now? I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned to see that the hand belonged to Estel.

"We did it, nana!" He exclaimed.

I nodded. "Indeed. By the way, your skills are not bad."

Estel chuckled. "Not that bad? Surely they are better than that?"

I cracked a smile. "I must admit they are impressive."

"That's better." Estel said. "And thank you."

I then thought back to when I questioned where Estel was, and how Arwen grew sad. Maybe I could ask him if they were together or not?

"May I ask you something?" I asked.

He raised an eyebrow, but nevertheless nodded. "Are you and Arwen together?"

His eyes widened his eyes. "N-no, where did you hear that?"

I laughed. "Nowhere, but when I asked where you were during the feast of Gilornel's and Haldir's wedding, I noticed Arwen's expression sadden, and it affected her tremendously."

Estel sighed. "Nana, I love you...but sometimes I hate how observant you are."

"It's not my fault. You learn a lot after being on this land for thousands of years." I replied.

"Fair enough. Well, I might as well tell you. Seven years ago I met Arwen in Rivendell. She had returned from Lothlorien. When I first saw her, I heard her singing..." Estel explained. "Upon first laying my eyes on her, I fell in love with Arwen. At first I mistook her for the elf, Lúthien, you see I thought I was in a dream."

I nodded as my smile widened. "When I first saw Arwen she reminded me of my dear sister, Lúthien."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...I know how much Lúthien meant to you." Estel apologized.

"It's alright. It's been ages since she died." I assured him. "But that means she loves you, right?"

He slumped his shoulders. "Yes, but it's not that simple."

"What do you mean it's not that simple? You both love each other." I pointed out. "May I ask what's holding you back?"

"I can't make her marry me. I shall die while she will continue to live. Besides, Elrond insisted that Arwen should not marry me until I became the king of both Gondor and Arnor." Estel replied.

"Estel, henig, do you truly love her?" I asked.

"More than anything, nana." Estel replied.

"Then it shouldn't matter that that you're a Dúnedain and that she's an elf." I informed him. "Just look at Thorin and me, or my niece, Tauriel and Kili. Despite there being tensions between elves and dwarves, we still got married. And why?"

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