Chapter 2: New Roommates

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"What is the meaning of this?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" Nanor asked.

"You know exactly what I mean!" I snapped. "Why is there a dwarf working in your shop?"

He sighed. "Líreth, several of them arrived here, looking for work and I couldn't refuse...he's already skeptical working for me as it is."

"And why is that?"

"Don't know, he wouldn't say." He shrugged. "And his name is Thorin."

"I don't care what his name is! He's got to go-"

Nanor cut across my words. "Enough Líreth! I've had enough of this nonsense, you need to stop this!"

"Stop what?!" I retorted, not backing down.

"Why do you hate them so much, hmm?" Nanor inquired.

I couldn't believe what he just asked me. "Did you seriously just ask me that? Where do I even begin...oh yeah remember how they killed our own ada? Or the fact that they escaped, spreading terrible lies about our ada?"

"They are not all like that, gwathel." He defended them.

"You don't know that! Enfeng are enfeng and they are greedy." I argued.

"Stop living in the first age!"

"Stop trying to believe that you can actually befriend a dwarf...that was father's downfall, tôr." I reminded him.

Nanor shook his head. "Better get use to the dwarves, because they'll be here for a long while...and Thorin's not the only dwarf in my shop. Novaer, gwathel."

With that he stormed back into the shop, leaving me all alone outside. I clenched my fists as I returned back to my cottage. I was sitting down at my small dining table, eating lembas bread, a mug of ale, cheese, and some rabbit stew when I heard a knock on the door. I dragged myself towards the door and opened it to reveal Nanor and behind him was Thorin, a female dwarf, and another male dwarf much older and shorter.

"Good evening, Líreth." Nanor greeted. "You remember Thorin, right?"

"Unfortunately." I muttered, causing Thorin to glare at me.

Nanor sighed. "Líreth, please don't start. Anyways this is Thorin's sister, Dís, and this Balin."

"Close relative and good friend of Thorin." Balin added.

"And this is my sister, Líreth." Nanor introduced. "They will be staying here while they work in the village."

My eyes widened at his words. "Staying here? Excuse me, may I have a word alone with my dear brother?"

With that Thorin, Dís, and Balin moved into the living room, while I spoke to Nanor in the kitchen. He could tell I wasn't happy. "First you allow enfeng into your shop and now this? What am I an innkeeper?"

"I understand how you must be feel-"

"Ú! You absolutely do not! Sorry, im innas al car sen." I replied, cutting him off.

"An gell nîn an enni?" Nanor pleaded. "They have nowhere else to go."

"They can sleep outside in their camps." I suggested.

"With these colds nights? Líreth, there was a time when you were very kind to all." Nanor reminded me. "What happened to my kind and loving gwathel?"

A sigh escaped my lips. I knew I couldn't win. "Fine, I'll do it, an enni."

He smiled at once at my words and pulled me into a tight hug. "Thank you, Líreth! There's my sister!"

We then walked into the living room where Thorin, Dís, and Balin were waiting for us with looks of hope.

"Great news, Líreth has allowed you three to stay here in her cottage." Nanor announced.

Dís and Balin gave me warm smiles, thanking me, while Thorin merely grumbled with his arms crossed. I narrowed my eyes. Dís then elbowed her brother on his side. "Say thank you."

Thorin frowned and Dís glared at him. "!"

"Alright, thank you." Thorin huffed. "Happy?"

Dís wore a content smile as I rolled my eyes. Dwarves. Nanor then wished them all a good night before walking towards the door. "Le channon, gwathel."

With that he walked out of my cottage, leaving me alone with three dwarves. What did I do to deserve this?

"I'll show you to your chambers." I said before walking into the hall. "Lucky for you I have three chambers."

I then showed Balin and Thorin to their chambers, which was rather simple, like my room. Then I showed Dís to her chambers, which was a little bigger. She gave me a tight hug, thanking me.

"Dís! You're hurting me." I managed to say as I squirmed out of her grasp.

"Sorry." She apologized. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

I said nothing as I turned to leave towards my chambers. Once I arrived in my chambers, I climbed into bed where I began to drift to sleep.

im innas al car sen----I will not do this
an gell nîn an enni----please for me
le channon---I thank you

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