Chapter 5: Finding Lavender's Family & My Nana

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Once we walked out of the cottage, Nanor, Nemirel, Oreth, and Húron approached us. I managed to get Lagorel and attach her to my cart before they arrived.

"Líreth, how are things with the dwarves?" Nanor asked.

"I refuse to speak about them at this moment." I replied. "This is Lavender, and this is Mîlel."

"Hello." Lavender said with a shy smile.

"Suilad!" Mîlel exclaimed.

"Suilad, Mîlel." Nanor said with a smile. "You know Sindarin?"

Mîlel nodded vigorously. I then explained everything to them, and how I found them. I told them I was returning Lavender, while Mîlel would stay with me.

"Well, we'll leave you to it." Nemirel replied.

"Galu, Líreth." Nanor said.

With that we were off, around midday, we arrived in the Shire. The place was beautiful, green lush grass for miles, lakes and rivers, and not to mention rather friendly people. It was peaceful here. We walked through the roads and past the hobbit holes, until we heard Lavender exclaim. "Mommy! Daddy!"

With that we turned to see a mother halfling with a bright dress and a father halfling with a simple white tunic, brown pants, and suspenders, wide grins plastered on their faces.

"Lavender!" They exclaimed.

Lavender scurried towards them and as soon as they embraced one another, it warmed my heart. Mîlel and I made our way towards them. As soon as they saw us, Lavender pulled away. "This is Líreth and Mîlel, they both helped me to find you."

"Thank you." Lavender's mother said. "We were worried sick for her."

"We searched all over the Shire for her." Her father added. "We didn't know that she was beyond the borders. How can we pay you back?"

"Nonsense." I said, waving it off. "You don't need to pay me at all. My reward is seeing you three reunited as a family."

"Will I see you again, Líreth?" Lavender asked with a sad expression.

"Perhaps one day we will." I replied.

Lavender gave me a tight hug, and reluctantly I hugged her back. As soon as we pulled away, her father spoke up. "You a merchant?"

"Yes, I travel all around Bree and a little further into the west." I informed him.

"We have a market here, and there's always people at the market." Lavender's mother added. "We would be thrilled if a merchant like you could visit us and be part of our market."

"You mean it?" I asked, a little enthusiastic.

"We do." Both her parents said.

I grinned. "Then I'll be coming back to the Shire very frequently."

"Yay!" Lavender exclaimed. "I can't wait!"

After visiting the market, many of the hobbits bought my items and all wished for me to return. I felt more content as Mîlel and I returned back home. The sun was setting by the time we arrived at my cottage.

During dinner, I refused to eat, and I refused to make eye contact with Thorin. I didn't have to look at him to know he was staring at him. Dís was the first to break the silence. "Did you find Lavender's family."

"I did." I merely said.

"Lass, you haven't even touched your food." Balin commented.

"I'm not hungry." I said as I rose from my chair. "I need some fresh air."

With that I wandered out off my cottage and made my way towards the small forest nearby. I kneel right before a small river bank and look up to see the beautiful stars. Nana how I miss you. A tear trickled down my cheek and into the river bank.

All of the sudden a bright light appeared before me. It then turned into one of the persons I dearly missed. "Nana?"

"My sweet Líreth, look at how you've matured." She said in a calm and motherly voice as she stood before me.

Tears were in my eyes as I hugged her, however when she hugged me back I could no longer control the flood of tears.

"Nana, I missed you so much. Where have you been? Why did you leave Nanor and me alone?" I blurted out.

"My child, I never left you. I was always there with you, in spirit." She assured me as she pulled away. "I can sense something is troubling you. What is it?"

I then ranted how Nanor allowed dwarves to enter our village, how Nanor allowed them to work for him, and I was forced to share my cottage with them.

"But worst of all there is this dwarf named Thorin who I despise the most! He hates elves as much as I hate his kind." I ranted. "Now they know of my past."

"My dear Líreth, you have always been rather hesitant with your emotions. It's not a bad thing to have emotions." She explained. "As for your hatred, please stop it at once."

"But nana-" She cut me off before I could finish.

"Stop it at once, Líreth. Those dwarves were from Nogrod, and besides not all dwarves were like those."

"So you're taking Nanor's side?"

"Líreth, please listen for once. These dwarves have endured a lot, they're nothing like those other dwarves." She informed. "Thorin knows what you're feeling, and vice versa. Don't let your hatred get in the way. There was a time when you were kind and loving to all, despite their kind."

"She's right!" My entire body froze upon hearing Thorin's voice.

How could I let my guard down? Thorin approached us with a sheepish smile on his face. "Forgive me for eavesdropping, I was going to check on you, but I heard voices, so I decided not to interrupt."

"How much did you hear?" I asked.


"Remember your father's hatred for men?" Mother then added. "It had severe consequences to both Lúthien and Beren, but they were fortunately given a second life. You won't be so lucky, Líreth. I'll leave you two alone now. I do believe you both have much to speak about."

"But will I see you again?" I inquired.

She nodded. "When you need me the most I'll appear by your side, farewell my child."

With that she disappeared, leaving Thorin and me alone. We definitely had so much to talk about.

Galu----Good luck

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