Chapter 24: Entrance to Mirkwood

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Beorn lended us ponies to get to the forest of Mirkwood. We were outside of Beorn's house, mounting on the ponies when Beorn approached us.

"Go now, while you have the light. Your hunters are not far behind." Beorn said.

Kyra gave one last look to Beorn before giving him a tight hug. My heart broke at the sight of them. It had reminded me of when I last said goodbye to my ada.

"Ada, allow me to go with you." I pleaded. "Something's not right, I have this feeling I can't shake off."

He placed a hand on my shoulder. "Henig, do not worry. I shall return for all of you as soon as I return. Then we may all go back to our home."

"But why can't Nanor and I go with you? If you're going then Nanor and I will go." I insisted. "It will put my mind at ease."

He sighed. "Líreth, I've already spoken to Nanor and you about this. I must go alone to negotiate with the dwarves."

"Yes, I remember. Those no good greedy dwarves..." I mumbled. "I don't trust them, they're dwarves. They are greedy and care only for jewels. Please ada allow them to have the Nauglamír. It is not worth it."

"Not worth it?" He asked as if astonished by what I said. "This is the right of our people. It was given to us as a gift, and I refuse to part without it. You will understand one day."

He then embraced me. "I'm sorry, Líreth, but I must go. I love you, iellig. Take care of the others for me while I'm gone."

Before he mounted his horse, he turned back towards me. "If I should fall, then I wish you as my successor."


He nodded. "Yes, I believe in you, and I know you'll lead this kingdom to greatness."

I replied hastily. "But Lúthien could lead the kingdom with Beren or even Nanor could."

"Av-'osto, my child. I have chosen you for a reason, Líreth. You're brave, courageous, valiant, and you think about what's best for this kingdom. Doriath needs a queen, a leader, like you." He explained. "Do not doubt your abilities, you're capable of so much. You're destined for great things, Líreth. Boe annin mened."

"Be careful, ada."

He smiled as he mounted his horse. "Of course, I always am."

Upon seeing Thorin's restless face, I placed a hand on Kyra's shoulder. I knew Thorin wished for us to hurry.

"Don't worry, Kyra, you'll see your father again. But we must get going." I informed her.

She nodded and gave her father one last hug before mounting on her pony. Beorn then turned to me and bowed, surprising all of us.

"Thank you, my lady, for taking care of my daughter."

I smiled. "No problem, there's no need to thank me. I was just there at the right time."

"But you could've left her there to die." Beorn pointed out. "Again I thank you. You're welcomed anytime here."

"Thank you, Beorn." I responded.

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