Chapter 9: The News

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~2803 T.A.~

It had been two years since Thorin and I confessed that we loved each other, but I wondered if Thorin wished to marry me. I couldn't help, but think about it. I wished for us to start a family, but I wondered whether it would happen or not. It wasn't until one spring afternoon.

Thorin invited me to a little picnic out on the meadow, away from the village. As we ate, Thorin was rather quiet, which made me anxious. Was he going to tell me that he no longer loved me? Was he tired of me? Had he moved on? These thoughts only grew with every second to the point where I could no longer bear it anymore. I had to ask him what was going on.



"Do you no longer love me?"

His eyes widened and his gaze snapped towards me. "What would make you say such a thing, amrâlimê?"

"You're very quiet, nîn meleth." I pointed out.

He sighed and remained silent for a few moments before speaking again. "I'm leaving."

"Leaving? What?"

How could he leave just like that?! And he barely told me anything. I felt distraught and powerless.

"I'm sorry, amrâlimê." He said as he placed a large hand on my cheek.

"Why must you go? Can't you stay? Am I that bad that you must leave?" Tears threatened to fall from my eyes.

He violently shook his head. "No, I love you with all my heart, amrâlimê. My heart will always belong to you. However it is my duty to help the other dwarves. Roaming from place to place is not what they're use to."

"What do you plan to do?" I inquired.

"I plan on helping them restart their lives to the west of us, in the Blue Mountains." He explained.

I then placed my hands in his. "Then take me with you, nîn meleth. I will follow you wherever you may go."

"Líreth, I'm not good enough for you." He blurted. "I'm just a mere dwarf, while you're a beautiful elf. I will grow old, while you'll remain young and beautiful."

"I don't care, I'll renounce my immortality for you. My life is nothing without you, please Thorin, don't cast me out of your life. I shall fade until I am nothing if you're not by my side."

He squeezed my hands at my words. "Are you sure, amrâlimê."

"Never have I been so sure in all the years I've lived."

Thorin then pulled out a bead, leaving me intrigued. He then explained what it meant. "This is a courting bead, and traditionally a dwarf braids his one's hair, placing this bead in a braid. Would you give me the honor of courting you?"

My smile widened as I nodded vigorously. "Yes Thorin, of course."

With that he gently grabbed my and braided it, placing the bead in my braid. I did the same with his, and as soon as I had finished, his lips met mine. Once he pulled away, he placed his forehead against mine. "You're mine now, and only mine."

"Likewise, nîn meleth." I replied.

And we spent the rest of the day, laying down together on the meadow as he looked up at the beautiful sky. I laid down on his chest, while he stroke my hair as he sang the Misty Mountains lullaby, that I heard before by the other dwarves.


I managed to convince Thorin to stay longer, while he ordered his kin to start the journey for he would follow behind them shortly. Saying goodbye to the dwarves was harder than I thought it'd be, especially with Dís and Balin. Dís was like a sister to me, while Balin was like a father to me.

I had told Thorin about the elvish courting traditions with silver rings, and he even went through the trouble of making our silver rings. When I first mentioned that he didn't have to, he replied. "It's no trouble, amrâlimê, I merely want the best for you."

Time seemed to stand still, however time catches up to all, even to us. I knew he would be leaving, so I insisted on us getting married. However I didn't pressure him, ultimately it was his choice and I left it up to him.

"But Líreth-"

I cut him off. "I know what you're thinking, but please Thorin, for me. If we get married then it'll ease me when you leave."

"I pictured our marriage to be grand and with all of our people around us." Thorin replied.

"But you are leaving with your people, and I do not know when you'll be back. Please Thorin, I can wait no longer. And I must admit ever since I confessed my love for you, I've dreamed of marrying you. I understand if you don't want to though, but no matter what I'll wait for you."

He chuckled. "Of course I want to marry you. Mahal, I can't say no to you. Oh alright. Lucky for I have just finished the rings."

He then pulled out the rings and slipped the smaller ring with small pearls on my left ring finger. "Do you Líreth take me as your lawful husband? Will you promise to protect and to love me through sickness and in health as long as we shall both live."

"I do."

I then took the other ring and placed it in his left ring finger. "And do you Thorin Oakenshield take me to be your lawful wife? Do you promise to protect me, and love me through everything as long as we shall both live?"

"I do." Thorin's smile widened as he cupped my cheek. "Now I'll kiss my beloved wife."

I giggled before his lips captured mine. He then scooped me up, causing me to squeal.

"Lucky for us, Mîlel is at Nanor's." I mentioned.

"Good, because you're staying with me tonight." He replied.

nîn meleth----my love

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