Chapter 27: Out Of Mirkwood

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I was in a chamber that Thranduil lent me. He told me to stay put for the moment, however I knew Thranduil very well. He was just like I was when I hated dwarves. The celebration of the feast of starlight was going on, and I attended the feast for a while.

Then I began to wandered about and that's when I heard voices. I hid behind a wall as I heard Tauriel speak. I peered through to take a look, while remaining unseen. It was one of my gifts, hiding without being seen or even a presence being felt.

"I was coming to report to you." Tauriel said.

"I thought I ordered that nest to be destroyed not two moons past." Thranduil reminded her.

"We cleared the forest as ordered, my Lord. But more spiders keep coming up from the south." She explained as she paced the room. "They are spawning in the ruins of Dol Guldur, if we could kill them at their source..."

Thranduil cut across her words. "That fortress lies beyond our borders. Keep our lands clear of those foul creatures, that is your task."

"And when we drive them off, what then? Will they not spread to other lands?" Tauriel inquired.

"Other lands are not my concern. The fortunes of the world will rise and fall, but here in this kingdom, we will endure." Thranduil replied.

My jaw dropped. How could he say that? Thranduil then glanced over, focusing on something. I followed his gaze, sensing someone that took off and once Thranduil and Tauriel moved further away, I took the opportunity to carefully make my way to where we both sensed the presence.

As I wandered out of their way, I noticed Tauriel walking out not too long after. She didn't wear a happy face. Upon seeing me, she beamed. "Aunt Líreth, it's good to see you again."

"Likewise, have you seen your father and brothers?"

Her face fell. "Yes, I have. I was so thrilled to see them again, and they even told me that nana is back in a village near Bree, doing well."

"Then what's the matter?" I asked, confused.

"They're locked in with the others." Tauriel confessed. "I tried to reason with Legolas and the other guards, but turns out Thranduil would not have it."

"Thranduil use to be very fond of Nanor." I commented as I shook my head. "Guess like that's not the only think he's changed in."

"What do you mean?"

I huffed out a sigh. "Forgive me, Tauriel, but I eavesdropped on Thranduil's and your conversation. I didn't hear all of it, but I heard of your report on the spiders, and how Thranduil doesn't care about the other lands."

"Well, he has also changed in that. Thranduil has changed so much, he use to care about the world around us." I continued. "He would be the one to volunteered to go into the lands out of our kingdom to defeat all evil and foul things."

"Thranduil was like that?"

I nodded. "He use to be...back in the First Age."

"I'm sorry, but I must go. I have guard duty in the dungeons." Tauriel informed me.

"Of course, I understand."

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