Chapter 3: The Girls

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The next day, I changed into my white tunic, a brown vest, black pants, and my black boots. I made my way towards the kitchen to see Dís making breakfast, while Balin and Thorin talked to each other at the dining table. I sat down across from them, grabbing the attention of Dís.

"I hope it doesn't irritate you, but I wanted to help out by making breakfast." Dís explained.

It was actually nice of her, but I refused to say anything of that sort. So instead I shrugged my shoulders. "Fine by me."

Once she was done cooking, she placed the food before us on plates. It was surprisingly delicious.

"Where did you three come from?" I asked. "The only dwarves I've seen are located to the west of us."

"That's none of your business." Thorin retorted.

"Thorin!" Dís scolded as she hit him with a wooden spoon, causing him to yelp.

"No, he's right, I'm just a measly elf working as a merchant to be able to provide for myself and the family of my brother!" I shot up from my chair.

Thorin, Dís, and Balin were speechless, however Thorin furrowed his brows before walking off. I fought the urge to roll my eyes as I stormed into the living room, gathering my things.

"I'm leaving." I said as I passed the kitchen.

"But what about your breakfast?" Dís asked as she picked it up.

"Thanks, but I'm not hungry anymore...I've lost my appetite." I huffed before leaving my cottage.

I hooked up Lagorel to the cart and mounted on her. Just as I was about to take off, Nanor approached me. "Líreth!"

Just great. I forced a smile as he approached me. "Nanor, what can I do for you?"

"Morning, Líreth, sleep well?" He asked.

"You can say that." I replied.

"Did something happen?" He asked, curiously.

"Did something happen? Of course something happened, these enfeng showed up! That's what happened!" I snapped.

"Líreth, please don't start again, these enfeng are our friends." He assured me. "They aren't like the ones that killed ada, they're different...I can see it in them."

I narrowed my eyes. "Please don't start."

"Líreth, I'm usually right about these things, please listen to me." Nanor reminded me. "Try to change your ways."

"Boe annin mened, tôr." I merely said as I ordered Lagorel to take off.

"Farewell, sister." Nanor said before walking back to his shop.

After an hour, I reached a small village to the east of Bree. As I walked through, there were a couple of people who bought and traded my items. As I reached a forest, I saw a little girl crying with her head buried in her knees. She was sitting at a base of a tree when we approached her. Lagorel was a little uneasy, she always acted this way with strangers.

"Easy, Lagorel, you're alright. Esta sinome." I assured her as I placed a hand on her mane. "I'm here, you'll be fine."

I dismounted off of her and made my way towards the little girl. That's when I saw another girl next to her who was trying to comfort her, but tears were also in her emerald green eyes. The girl comforting the first girl had long black hair with a green dress on with gray eyes. The other girl had light brown hair with brown eyes. I could tell the first girl, the one crying was a human or perhaps a halfling, I wasn't sure, while the other one was an elf.

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