Chapter 23: Meeting Beorn

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"I shall go and talk Beorn." Gandalf informed us. 

It was early in the morning and Kyra was still not back, which crushed Thingol. It wasn't until we spotted Kyra with what looked to be Beorn outside.

"Bilbo you come with me, also Nanor, Húron, Oreth, Mîlel, Líreth, Thingol, and Gilornel may also come along." Gandalf added.

"And what of us?" Thorin asked as he stood before me, hesitant to let me go.

"I shall give you a signal, indicating when you can come out." Gandalf explained. "However come in pairs, except for you Bombur. You count as two dwarves. This requires delicate handling. You must not startle him, the last person to do so was torn to shreds."

"Sounds like a great person to have as an in-law." I muttered.

Thingol gulped. "That's my father-in-law...?"

Oreth tried to fight back a laugh, but failed and laughed along with Fili, Kili, and Mîlel.

"Have fun, bonding with him." Gilornel teased.

Thingol narrowed his eyes. "Very funny, Gil."

"Very well, let's go." Gandalf said.

With that we walked towards Beorn. He was cutting up wood on a tree stump with an axe. Kyra stood next to him, helping him out with her back turned to us.

"You're nervous." Bilbo commented to Gandalf.

Gandalf laughed nervously. "Nervous? Me? That's absurd."

He then flinched when Beorn brought down his axe, splitting the wood in half. Right...not nervous at all.

"Good morning." Gandalf said as we stood near him.

Beorn ignored him as he continued on with his task, but Kyra seemed to notice and immediately told her father.

"Good morning." Gandalf repeated.

Beorn then stopped, however his back was turned towards us as he spoke. "Who are you?"

"I'm Gandalf, Gandalf the Gray." Gandalf replied.

He turned around with the axe in his hands. He is very tall, much taller than any of us. Kyra smiled upon seeing us, and Thingol ran towards her, embracing her. This caused Beorn to raise an eyebrow. It was enough for Thingol to pull away from Kyra.

"Never heard of him." Beorn said, putting his attention back to Gandalf.

"I'm a wizard, perhaps you heard of my colleague, Radagast the brown. He resides in the Southern borders of reckwood."

"What do you want?" Beorn asked, nearly on the brink of a growl.

"W-we want to thank you for your hospitality. You may have noticed that we took refuge here last night." Gandalf explained.

Beorn then turned to look at the rest of us, giving us a skeptical look. I tried to remain calm, but with the axe clutched in his hand made me terrified.

"Who's this little fellow?" Beorn asked.

"Why this would be Bilbo Baggins." Gandalf said, introducing him. "He's from the Shire."

"He's not a dwarf, is he?"

"Why no. He's a hobbit, good family. And an unimpeachable reputation." Gandalf said, causing Bilbo to smile.

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