Chapter 11: Rivendell

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"Líreth?" I heard an unfamiliar male voice call my name. "Wake up."

I groaned before opening my eyes. When I opened my eyes I found myself in a giant bed with white sheets. I wore a lavender colored night gown.

"Ah, you're awake."

My head snapped up to see an unfamiliar elf. He had long brown hair and fancy robes. Where am I?

"Av-'osto, Im Elrond." He assured me.

"Im Líreth." I replied. "Mi van gwe?"

His eyes widened at my words, but he recomposed himself. "We are in Imladris, also known as Rivendell."

Rivendell? This must be one of the newer elven kingdoms after Doriath and all the land around it had sunk deep into the water.

"Líreth, how are you feeling?" He asked.

"Better, what happened?"

"You don't remember?" Elrond asked.

"No, it's all blurry."

"I found both you and the elfling named Mîlel near our home. When we arrived here, you gave birth to twins, a girl and a boy."

"Can I see them?!"

"Not now, but you will be able to soon." He replied. "But don't worry, they are in good hands. What will you name them?"

I smiled as I replied. "Thingol and Gilornel."

"I must ask you some questions, but for now I need you to rest. We shall speak when you have recovered. There is much I wish to discuss with you. Posto vae, Líreth."

With that he left my giant room, leaving me to rest. The days went by, and I quickly regained my strength. I was now allowed to leave my room. And I was finally allowed to see Thingol and Gilornel.

Currently I was sitting on bench in the gardens of Rivendell with my two babies, Thingol and Gilornel, when I heard a familiar voice. "Líreth!"

I turned to see Mîlel running towards me with Elrond, two look alike male elves, and a beautiful female elf trailing behind her. I gasped when I saw the female elf. She reminded me so much of Lúthien. "Mîlel!"

She wrapped her arms around me, and then her gaze fell onto the twins. "Are these your children?"

I nodded. "They are indeed."

Elrond cleared his throat. "She insisted on seeing, she's grown fond of you. Mîlel told me what happened to her family."

"It's unfortunate, but lucky for her I was in the area when I stumbled upon her." I replied. "Ever since then Mîlel's been a part of my family."

"Speaking of family, I wish to ask you something. Was your father Thingol? The King of Doriath?"

I smiled. "That was him."

"Then you knew Elwing." Elrond mentioned.

"I viewed her like my own daughter, just like I did with her younger brothers, Eluréd and Elurín." I said. "Unfortunately the kingdom was under attack, so I had to send the three of them off...I never knew what became of them."

"Unfortunately Eluréd and Elurín died in the forest, but as for my mother she lived." Elrond explained. "Unfortunately I do not know where she is."

My eyes widened. "You're the son of Elwing."

I then turned towards the female elf who wore a smile. "S-she cannot be Lúthien, but she reminds me so much of her. Who are you?"

"My name is Arwen." She replied with a kind smile.

"She's my youngest child." Elrond added. "And these two are Elladan and Elrohir, my sons. They are twins."

"Pleasure to meet you all." I said as my smile widened. "I can't believe this...all these years, I thought Nanor and I were the only ones left in our family, besides my cousin of course."

"Nanor?" Arwen asked.

"That would be my brother."

"Where is he?" Elrond inquired.

"He's in a small village with his wife, Nemirel, and two sons, Húron, and Oreth. And the cousin I speak of is named Galadriel."

"Lady Galadriel. She still lives." Elrohir informed me. "She lives in Lothlorien with her husband, Celeborn."

I sighed out of relief. "That's a relief. Did she have any children?"

Little did I know what I had asked. I noticed a sad expression on Elrond's face, while the others wore a grim look.

"She did, she had a daughter. Her name was Celebrían...she was my wife." Elrond said, reluctantly.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know."

He waved it off. "It's alright."

"What happened?" Mîlel asked with a curious look.

"Mîlel." I scolded.


"It's a sensitive topic, and I don't think Elrond wishes to speak about it." I explained.

"No, it's alright." Elrond assured us. "Celebrían, nîn meleth, was captured by orcs while she was on her way to visit her mother, Galadriel. The orcs took her as their prisoner and tortured her, Elrohir and Elladan managed to rescue her."

"I managed to heal her, but the pain was already enough for her. She was traumatized for what those filthy orcs did to her." He continued. "She begged me to sail to the Undying Lands, and although it broke my heart to be away from her it hurt me even more to see her in great pain."

"So she's in the Undying Lands now?" I asked.

Elrond nodded. "Yes, she is far better off there than here."

We then spent the rest of the day, talking about our stories. I told them all about Doriath and its glory.

Av-'osto----Don't be afraid
Im Elrond----I am Elrond
Mi van gwe?----Where are we?
Posto vae----rest well
nîn meleth----my love

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