Chapter 39: The Feast

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When my eyes fluttered open, I was in a beautiful forest with a waterfall filled with clear bright blue water, the soft green grass with morning dew, and different flowers of a variety of colors. It reminded me of the place where Lúthien, Nanor, and I would visit and play around as children.


I turned around and I couldn't believe who I saw. It was Lúthien, Beren, Dior, Nimloth, Eluréd, and Elurín. They all smiled upon seeing me. I hugged and greeted them all.

"It's been such a long while!" I exclaimed.

"You've done wonderfully, gwathel." Lúthien informed me.

"Eh, not too shabby." Beren joked around, which in response, Lúthien elbowed his side.

"There's someone else who wants to see you." Dior said, leaving me in wonder.

They then parted the way, and out from the forest appeared the one I haven't seen in ages. He looked just like the last time I saw him alive before he left to Menegroth.

"Ada!" I exclaimed before hugging him. Tears of happiness fell from my eyes. "How I missed you so much."

"I missed you as well, henig." He replied. "I can't believe how much you've grown. Look how great you turned out, we're all so proud of you."

"Looks like nana's talk helped." Lúthien added.

My mouth dropped. "How? How did you know?"

Ada chuckled. "Henig, we've been watching you this entire time. I can't apologize enough for leaving your brother, your sister, and you alone to deal with a lot of burden. But you did the best you could, and for that le channon."

"Are you here to stay with us?" Eluréd then asked.

"You mean I have a choice?" I asked.

"Of course." Lúthien said. "You may stay or leave."

"I want to stay, I truly do..." I trailed off.

"But?" Elurín asked.

"But I have to return."

"We understand, Líreth. You have a loving husband, who cares for you. And two children who are also wonderful and caring, you have created a wonderful family." Ada said with a smile.
"You've done well, Líreth, and you'll find that your family will soon expand."

Expand? What? Before I could say anything, my eyes closed and opened again. I looked around to find myself in the chambers that Thorin showed me. I looked over to my left to see Thorin sitting on a chair with his eyes closed. He held my left hand rather tightly as if he was afraid I'd leave. Next to him was a cane that he held with his other hand. He had many scars on his hands and on his face. I made an attempt to stand up from bed, but the pain was too much. I winced, and at once Thorin's eyes opened. "Amrâlimê."

"Nîn meleth." I said, weakly. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, thanks to you. However I need to recuperate as I am not entirely healed. I should be the one asking you that question though." He replied before his face darkened. "What were you thinking? You could've gotten yourself killed."

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