Chapter 7: Changed

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The days turned into weeks as they quickly went by and I grew kinder to all the dwarves, which shocked Nanor. The more I spoke of my past to Thorin and the others, the less nightmares I had at night. I met many dwarves such as Dwalin, Balin's younger brother, Óin, his younger brother, Glóin, who were both cousins of Dwalin and Balin, Dori, Bombur, and several others.

I visited the Shire to see Lavender and to sell my items to the hobbits, who were always happy to see me. I began to help out the dwarves in all I could like offering to take some of Balin's toys that he made in my cart to be sold. The children, especially those in the Shire loved it.

I also found myself visiting Nanor's shop more and more. I didn't know what was happening to me, I couldn't explain it since it was a feeling I've never experienced in the many ages I've been alive. I made my way to Nemirel's shop to see Bombur and a few other dwarves helping her.

"Hello Nemirel." I greeted. "Hello Bombur."

"Hello Líreth." Bombur said with a smile.

"Good afternoon, Líreth." She replied. "You've become rather cheerful."

"Have I?" I asked. "I didn't even realize it."

She chuckled. "I think it suits you. So what can I do for you."

"Can I have two of your honey cakes?" I asked. "Going to take one to Nanor's shop for them to eat as a snack."

"Coming right up. You know you've been spending a lot of time there." She teased. "Is there a reason?"

I immediately shook my head. I merely wanted to visit my brother, nephews, and my good friend, Thorin. That's all.

"No, no reason whatsoever." I replied rather hastily.

She merely laughed as she handed me my two honey cakes. "Well here you go."

"Thank you."

With that I left and took one of the honey cake back to the cottage. Then Mîlel and I made our way to Nanor's shop. When we arrived they were just about to take their break.

"Good afternoon!" I exclaimed as we walked in with a honey cake.

Thorin, Glóin, Dwalin, Nanor, Húron, and Oreth all turned their heads towards us. They all greeted us with smiles. At first it took some time for the dwarves to warm up with me and vice versa, but it all worked out. Thorin's eyes lightened when he saw me. "Líreth."

"Thorin." I replied, however I quickly realized the others were staring. "Er, I brought a honey cake."

I handed it over to Nanor who placed it on a small table in the middle of them. Nanor offered me some, which I refused. As they ate I found myself drawn to Thorin, I couldn't help it but stare at him. His long raven black hair that laid on his strong and broad shoulders, clear warm blue eyes, his strong and firm hands...wait what am I saying? I then realized that my eyes met Thorin's and quickly I averted my gaze. I'm alright, it's nothing.

"I'm going outside. I need some fresh air."

With that I walked out of the shop, trying to figure out what I was feeling, but it all ended it vain.

"Aunt Líreth?"

"Yes?" I asked as I turned around to see both Oreth and Mîlel. They gave me eager looks.

"Will you come with us into the forest?" Oreth asked.

I sighed. "Very well."

With that I followed them into the forest where they began to play. I watched as they pretended they were fighting orcs. I smiled as they raised their wooden swords. "For our Queen! Aunt Líreth!"

I couldn't believe what he said, it was a title that's been long forgotten. I felt even happier, remembering the good memories now.

"We've killed all the orcs." Mîlel said.

"You forgot one." Thorin's deep and rich voice filled my ears.

My smile widened. Oreth and Mîlel scurried towards him. "Look out! The orc's behind the queen!"

Thorin chuckled as he stood before me. "Walk any closer and the Queen will get it."

"No!" They squealed before tackling Thorin.

I watched as the three of them fell towards the ground. A laugh escaped my lips as I approached them. I extended my hand out to Thorin who grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him.

"Líreth!" Oreth and Mîlel exclaimed.

We all laughed as Oreth and Mîlel tried to rescue me. We then heard a faint voice, it was Nemirel. "Oreth! Supper!"

"Coming nana!" Oreth called back. "Aunt Líreth, can Mîlel come with me?"

"Of course. Just be back before it gets too dark." I advised.

With that Oreth and Mîlel giggled as they scurried off. Thorin then cleared his throat, and my face heated up when I looked down. I then realized that I was on top of Thorin.

"Thorin, uh, I-I'm so sorry." I stuttered as I hastily got up.

"It's fine, amrâlimê." He said as he got up. His face then heated up and he hastily added. "I, uh, had a fun time with them, they're good kids."

Amrâlimê? What does that mean?



"What does amrâlimê mean?" I asked, confused.

He wore a nervous look, which he tried to mask, but failed. "Oh, that, well it means friend in my language."

For some reason I felt my heart drop, but I faked a smile as I masked my true feelings. "Friend, good to now."

He flashed back a smile and I couldn't help but feel a tug at my heart. I shook off these feelings as Thorin and I headed back to our cottage.


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