Chapter 41: Not A Bad Thing

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~2955 T.A.~

It was a month after Thorin's and my last child was born. She was a beautiful little baby girl, who we named Merileth. Thorin and I definitely agreed that she'd be our last child.

It was around this time that Gilornel, Thingol, and Kyra returned from Lothlorien. They returned surprised to find another sibling, but nevertheless they were happy. I noticed something different about Gilornel, she seemed much happier than usual. It wasn't until we had supper that I figured out what it was.

Thorin, Kili, Tauriel, Fili, Nanor, Nemirel, Oreth, Mîlel, Húron, Sigrid, Thingol, Gilornel, Thôr, Dôleth, Lúthien, Nain, nearly the entire company, and along with myself, were all gathered together in the great hall, eating supper. Merileth was sleeping in Thorin's and my chamber, with a well trusted servant near her crib.

While we ate, Thingol and Gilornel spoke wonders of Lothlorien. Gilornel spoke about the elves as well, and that's when Thingol chimed in.

"Oh yes, and let's not forget your favorite, Haldir." Thingol teased.

Gilornel's cheeks turned bright red, but denied his words. "I have no idea what you speak of."

"Oh come on, Gilornel." Kyra chimed in. "We saw how you looked at him."

Kili chuckled. "About time, cousin!"

"I'm not in love!" Gilornel denied.

Thorin's protective side then came out. "My daughter's in love? Just wait until I see this elf, I'll make sure to have a elf to dwarf talk with him."

"Ada!" Gilornel groaned, while I giggled at the thought of Thorin trying to tell off an elf, much taller than him.

"There's no need!" She added. "I'm not in love!"

"Gilornel, it's alright to be in love." I assured her. "Don't deny it."

Gilornel huffed as she stood up and stormed off, out of the great hall. I made an attempt to follow her, but Thorin stopped me.

"Don't worry, this time I got it, amrâlimê."

He then walked out in search of Gilornel. Once supper was over, I searched for Gilornel. That's when I heard voices in Thorin's and my chamber.

"But ada..."

"Gilornel, there's nothing to be ashamed of. Love is a wonderful thing."

It was Gilornel and Thorin. No doubt Thorin was trying to figure out the truth. I remained hidden as I listened on to the conversation.

Gilornel scoffed. "Oh sure, is that why it hurts?"

"I won't deny that love hurts, nathith. But if it's true then the pain is only temporary." Thorin replied.

"How will I know if the love is true?"

"If you truly love him and he truly loves you, then you'll both be willing to fight for it. You'd even be willing to die for him, and vice versa." He explained. "I know you've heard this many times now, but after I left your mother to give my people a new life in the Blue Mountains, I regretted leaving her.

"And when I couldn't find her, instead of giving up, I searched and searched all over for her. I would give up everything: my title, my throne, the gold, and everything else just to be with your mother, and of course with my lovely children that I now have."

My heart warmed up at his words. How fortunate am I to have found Thorin.

"You would do that all for love?" Gilornel asked, her voice filled with disbelief.

He chuckled. "That and so much more. You'll understand when your time comes."

Gilornel huffed. "Infamous words I've heard since I was a little elfling."

Thorin laughed. "Your mother has raised both, Thingol and you, with so much care and love. I wish I would've been there."

"Ada, it's alright. I'm just happy you didn't die in the battle." Gilornel assured him.

I then leaned into the door, it was a soft noise, but loud enough for elf ears to pick up. And unfortunately for me, my daughter is part elf.

"Nana, I know you're there." Gilornel said after a short pause.

I sighed as I reluctantly opened the door, closing it behind me before approaching Thorin and Gilornel, who were both sitting on wooden chairs by the fireplace. Thorin seemed surprised that Gilornel knew.

She simply shrugged. "I'm part elf."

I wore a sheepish smile. "Forgive me, I shouldn't have eavesdropped, but I was curious."

Gilornel let out a small sigh before smiling. "It's alright, nana. Besides Thingol's right. The elf I love is Haldir, but I didn't want to say anything because I don't believe he could ever love me back."

"Gilornel, henig, you are an amazing woman. You are beautiful, intelligent-" I began.

"And not to mention very skilled with all sorts of weapons." Thorin finished for me. "You are so much more than you think. And if this elf called Haldir truly loves you then he'll also see what a beautiful, talented, and wonderful person you are."

Gilornel cracked a smile. "Thank ada and nana. I guess you're right, I'm going to return to my chambers."

After she said goodnight to us, she left our chambers. I smiled as I gave Thorin a kiss on the cheek. "I'm happy that I've meet you."

He chuckled. "And so am I. How much of our conversation did you hear?"

"Enough to know that I've chosen the right person to be my husband and the father of my children." I replied before I walked over to check on Merileth.

Merileth was peacefully sleeping in her little crib. Thorin wrapped his arms around me as he let out a content sigh. "I am content that you and the children stayed, despite the way I acted."

"Thorin, you were under the dragon sickness. Besides you fought it off. No matter what, we'll stick together." I reassured him.

He nodded. "Together forever."

Henig----My child

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