Chapter 20: It Can't Be

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We quickly ran away from the wargs as chased us down. We stopped when we reached a cliff. No!

"Up into the trees. All of you! Come on, climb!" Gandalf urged.

We heard the howls, indicating that they were coming closer and closer towards us. We hastily climbed onto the trees.

"They're coming!" Thorin informed us.

We all managed to climb the trees, however the wargs circled us from the ground. The same pale orc from earlier approached us. I stood next to Thorin who protectively wrapped an arm around me.

"Azog!" Thorin gasped.

My eyes widened. This was the one Thorin mentioned. It was the orc that swore to end the line of Durin. He then commenced to speak in black speech. "Do you smell it? The scent of fear? I remember your father reeked of it, Thorin son of Thrain."

"It cannot be." Thorin muttered.

Azog then turned towards me with a sinister smirk. "Well, well, it looks like Thorin has found a wife...and what's this? Children?"

Thorin's grip around me tightened as Azog continued. "I shall kill them first, Oakenshield, and I'll make you watch them suffer. Those are mine. Kill the others!"

"No!" Thorin growled.

Gilornel and Thingol glanced at Thorin and me. I knew they wanted to be strong, but deep down they were afraid. The wargs commenced to try to catch us by jumping up. They managed to pry the trees from the ground and we began to rock back and forth.

"Líreth!" Gandalf called out before dropping a ignited pine cone in my hands. "Throw it at the wargs."

With that Gandalf, the others, and I began throwing pine cones that were on fire. The wargs began to backup and we all cheered. However it was short lived when one of the trees began to fall, quickly we all jump into the last tree that has already begun to hang over the edge of the cliff. We were all hanging on the branches for dear life. This can't end like this. We aren't going to die. I held onto the branches for dear life.

Thingol grabbed Kyra before she fell off the cliff, while Gilornel and Mîlel grabbed Oreth. I felt my hands slipping and so I called out for help. Thorin immediately grabbed my hands and pulled me up, holding me close. He glanced around at our children and at the others before looking back at me.

"I must go, amrâlimê." Thorin said. "I must fight him, it's the only way."

I shook my head. "No, nîn meleth, please don't go."

He leaned forward so our foreheads were touching. "I cannot bare the thought of losing you or our children. If I do not go we will all die."

"But without you I am nothing, I won't be able to live on." I replied.

"You are more than you think, Líreth. You've changed me, you're the first elf I've trusted since Erebor was sacked and destroyed by Smaug. You're a beautiful, wise, fierce, and lovely elf, not to mention my wife, the mother of my children, and my queen." He reminded me. "Do not forget that, amrâlimê."

Trying to fight back tears, I grabbed him by his coat and pulled him into a brief kiss before pulling away.

"Go, but be careful." I advised.

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