Chapter 13: Midsummer's Eve

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~June, 2900 T.A~

The time passed by, and now Thingol and Gilornel are now 97, while Mîlel is over 100, and lastly Kyra is now 93 years old. Kyra at first was sad and always crying, thinking of her family, but now she is happy with Gilornel, Mîlel, and especially with Thingol. I know this, because it's the same looks that Thorin and I would give to each other.

I told them all of Thorin's past and his story, and even mine. They were amazed with our stories. Kyra opened up to me just like Mîlel, however Kyra took a little longer to open up. She told me her past, and how just like her father she could transform into an animal. However unlike her father, she could transform into a giant lion.

They all begged me to return to the Shire to see the Midsummer's Eve festival, which I've only told them about. That festival is how I first met Gandalf, and I was surprised to know that he knew me along with the rest of my family.

And so Mîlel, Gilornel, Thingol, Kyra, and I made our way to the Shire. We arrived as soon as the sun had set. In the hills I saw several tables, chairs, and decorations set up.

Laura and Lavender grew up and they each got married, and had children. I now knew majority of the hobbits, including the families of Tooks, Baggins, Bolgers, Bracegirdles, Boffin, Proudfoots, Chubb-Baggins, and Sackvilles. And it all began with Lavender Grubb. Lavender and Laura now had grandchildren.

"Nana, we're going to look around." Gilornel said.

"Very well, have fun. Oh, Thingol, stay behind." I said.

"But nana-"

I cut him off. "You'll be able to rejoin them, especially Kyra."

His cheeks turned red at my words. "I-I don't know what you mean?"

"Thingol, henig, I've seen how you look at her."

He slumped his shoulders. "Alright, so I do, but she doesn't love me back."

"And what makes you say that?"

"I just think so."

I cracked a smile. "Thingol, I've also seen the way she looks at you. Believe me when I say this, she loves you. She truly does."

As if right on cue, Kyra from afar turned to see where Thingol was, and their eyes both met. Thingol's smile widened and in return Kyra smiled even wider, however Kyra turned away when Mîlel grabbed her by her arm.

"How did you know?" Thingol asked.

I glanced up at the west where the blue mountains stood before replying. "It was the same look your ada and I gave each other."

"Nana, I didn't mean to upset you." Thingol said rather hastily.

"I'm alright, you haven't upset me, Thingol. Now go to her, I'm sure she's waiting." I suggested.

With that he left to rejoin the others, leaving me to look back at the mountains. I wonder what Thorin's doing right now, wonder if I'm still in his mind.

"Líreth, it's good to see you, mellon."

I snapped out of my thoughts to see none other than Gandalf with his usual gray hat, gray robes, and staff.

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