Chapter 19: The Misty Mountains

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They're gone?! Thorin, Thingol, Gilornel, Nanor, and the others finally left Rivendell. I glanced over at the others to see Saruman pissed off, while Elrond looked relieved, and Gandalf and Galadriel wore amused looks.  

"Líreth, you wished to go, didn't you?" Gandalf asked.

I nodded. "More than anything."

"Then gather your things. I shall be waiting." Gandalf replied.

"You aren't going after them, are you?" Saruman asked.

"They have my word, Saruman. I shall not abandon them." Gandalf retorted.

And with that I hastily changed my attire from a dress to a tunic, a brown vest, and pants. I packed rations, clothing, and other necessities. I then grabbed my weapons, and as I made my way back to where Gandalf was, Mîlel and Kyra followed me.

"Líreth, where are you going?" Mîlel inquired.

"I'm going to follow the company along with Gandalf. Why?" I asked.

"Thingol and Oreth wished for us to stay behind." Kyra explained.

"But to be honest we wished to help them." Mîlel added.

They felt just like me. Without thinking twice I invited them to come along, and the three of us made our way back. When we returned, Gandalf, Galadriel, and Elrond stood before us, waiting.

"Good luck on your journey, Líreth." Galadriel said before giving me a hug.

"Please return safely." Elrond chimed in as he hugged me.

"I will, don't worry." I assured them. "I know Estel won't be awake, but could you tell him that I'll return as soon as I can?"

Elrond nodded with a smile. "Of course. Please return soon, he has grown very fond of you."

"He has indeed, he's come to view me as his nana, and to me he's like another one of my children." I replied.

"You've always been so motherly and kind, like your mother." Galadriel commented as she placed a hand on my shoulder. "I wish you a safe trip, cousin. Visit us anytime, you'll be received there with open arms."

"Thank you, Galadriel. This time I won't wait for centuries to go by to see you again." I joked.

We all laughed before saying our final goodbyes. With that Gandalf, Mîlel, Kyra, and I headed out of Rivendell, and towards the Misty Mountains. We spent a couple of days walking towards the mountains. One night, we reached the edge of the mountain.

We were so close, yet so far. I was deep in thought as we sat by the campfire that Gandalf made. I thought about the safety of Thorin and my children.

"Do not worry, Líreth, they're all fine." Gandalf assured me.

I wanted to believe him, but deep down I couldn't shake off the feeling that they were in trouble. But instead I merely nodded. That night, Gandalf took watch, while Kyra, Mîlel, and I fell asleep.

"Help! Líreth!"

I looked around to see Thorin's company surrounded by nasty goblins. I spotted Nanor, Húron, and Oreth alongside Thingol and Gilornel. Thorin protectively stood before them as they were dragged by the goblins.

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