Chapter 31: Staying Behind

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That night was spent in celebration at the master's place. After celebrating, we retired to our rooms that the master gave us. I was looking out the window, when I felt two pair of hands wrap around my waist. My smile widened, knowing immediately who it was. I turned my head to see that it was indeed Thorin.  

"I never got to thank you." He mentioned.

"For what?"

"When we were taken as desperate bunch of mercenaries like that fool of that man had mentioned, you and Dwalin both stood up for me." Thorin reminded me. "I know the children would've done the same, but I guess you beat them to it."

I chuckled. "Nîn meleth, it was nothing."

"On the contrary, amrâlimê. It meant the world to me." He said as I turned around to face him. "I appreciated it, thank you."

"You are welcome. I would do it again without thinking twice." I said, before leaning in to kiss Thorin.

After a few kisses, Thorin pulled away. His expression turned serious. "The journey is getting more dangerous."

"Nothing I can't handle." I assured him.

"That mountain has a deadly dragon and who knows what will happen. I could not bear the idea of losing you or our children." He explained.

I couldn't believe what he was trying to imply with his words.

"Wha-what are you implying Thorin?" I inquired.

He sighed. "I believe it would be best if you and the children stayed behind. My mind and heart would be at ease, knowing you're all safe."

I shook my head. "I-I can't do that, I can't be apart from you, not knowing if you'll be safe."

"Please, amrâlimê. Do it for me." He pleaded as he took my hands in his. "And if it makes you feel better, I'll take your brother, Nanor, and his sons along with us."

I sighed, realizing there was no way to convince him to change his mind. "Very well, for you I will."

That's when Gandalf's words echoed in my mind. You must keep an eye on them, and make sure they do not go into the mountain until I return.

Thorin's shoulders fell back in relief. "Thank you, amrâlimê."

"But you must wait outside the mountain until Gandalf returns." I reminded him. "Remember what he said?"

"Amrâlimê, there's not enough time. We only have one chance." He replied. "But if he is not too far behind I shall wait, for you, Líreth."

"Thank you, nîn meleth."

That night we spent together in each other's arms, enjoying every last minute we had before morning.

The next morning arrived quicker than I hoped it would. After breakfast, we were given clothing, weapons, armor, and rations of food. As we walked through the crowd towards the barge that was awaiting us, Bilbo spoke up. "You do know we're one short? Where's Bofur?"

"If he's not here, we leave him behind." Thorin replied.

"We'll have to, if we're to find the door before nightfall. We can risk no more delays." Balin commented.

As they began to board the barge, Thorin stopped Thingol, Gilornel, Kyra, and Kili. I already knew this would happen, and I stood behind them.

"Not you, Kili. We must travel at speed, you will slow us down." Thorin said.

"What are you talking about? I'm coming with you." Kili replied.

Thorin shook his head. "No, no."

"I'm going to be there when that door's opened. When we first look upon the halls of our fathers, Thorin..." Kili looked devastated.

"Kili, stay here. Rest. Join us when you're healed." Thorin said as he placed a hand in his shoulder.

"I'll stay with the lad. My duty lies with the wounded." Óin said before walking off to the barge and towards where Kili walked off to.

"And what about us?" Thingol asked.

"We aren't hurt. We're capable of taking care of ourselves." Gilornel added.

Thorin sighed. "I know you all are, but I could never live with myself if any of you died. I want you to all stay here, where I know you'll be safe."

"But..." They began, however I cut them off.

"Thingol, Gilornel, Kyra, come, it's best if we stay behind." I suggested.

They all wore grim looks, but listened as they walked over to Óin and Kili. I walked over towards Thorin, pulling him into an embrace. "Be careful."

"I will, don't worry, amrâlimê." He assured me.

"I love you, Thorin."

"And I love you, Líreth."

After we pulled in for one last kiss, I pulled away, and walked towards the others. I knew Nanor would be wondering why we stayed. Thorin and him were going to have plenty to talk about.

It wasn't long until Fili joined us, saying if Kili couldn't come along then he'd rather stay with his brother. The trumpets then began to play. The master then stepped onto a platform, and the crowd cheered. Once the master finished his speech, the barge with the company, my beloved, my nephews, and my brother took off towards the mountain.

"Wait!" I heard a familiar voice yell out.

I turned to see Bofur on the edge of the docks. "No!"

"Bofur?" I asked.

He whips around and smiles upon seeing us. "Did you miss the boat as well?"

Before any of us could answer, Fili's voice turned our attention to Kili. "Kili? Kili!"

He looked as though he was going to pass out. After quickly explaining what happened to Bofur, we scurried off to find someone to help us. However no one wished to help us, not even the master of Laketown. He shooed us away, informing us that he wanted nothing to do with us. So we tried the last place we thought of, Bard's house. We hastily made our way to Bard's.

"Hang in there, Kili." I said as we reached Bard's place.

"Believe me I'm trying." Kili groaned.

However once Bard opened the door and saw us, he grew angry. "No. I'm done with dwarves, go away!"

"No! No!" Bofur cried.

"Please Bard, no one will help us." I begged. "Kili's sick."

"He's very sick." Thingol added. "Please, if you cast us out now he'll die in the cold."

Bard hesitated for a moment before opening the door to let us in. "Alright, come on in."

"Thank you, Bard!" I exclaimed.

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