Chapter 44: The Orcs

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The days went by. One day, I saw Théoden outside of Meduseld, the great Golden Hall. There were a few children around Théoden. They all had wooden swords as they playfully fought one another. My smile widened at the sight of them.

"We did it!" One of the boys exclaimed.

"Indeed, there's no more orcs in our lands." Théoden agreed.

I wore a mischievous smile as I approached them. "That's where you're wrong. You forgot me."

They all turned towards me. Upon hearing my words, the children wore wide smiles as they held up their swords.

"Let us defeat her then!" Théoden shouted as he puffed out his chest.

"Let us see what you got." I replied as I picked up a wooden sword from the ground.

With that I spent the entire afternoon playing with Théoden and the other children of Rohan.

"Your highness!"

A servant came running towards us. She curtsied upon seeing me. "Good afternoon, your majesty. Supper is ready."

"Very well. Lead the way."

At supper, Thengel was wore a serious and grim expression. I knew something wasn't right, and even Morwen noticed something wasn't right.

"Is something wrong, darling?" Morwen asked her husband.

Thengel reluctantly nodded. "Yes, it's the orcs, they are near our borders. And this time there are many more this time. We'll have to take many of our men."

"Then allow me to join you, your majesty." Estel said as he stood up.

Thengel nodded, accepting his help. I then stood up, which surprised Thengel's royal advisor and his officials. "I too shall help you, Thengel."

My guards who were with the Riders of Rohan, then stood up. One of the guards spoke. "If you will fight then so shall we, your majesty."

Thengel wore a conflicted expression. "Are you sure? You are my guests, you do not have to."

"Thengel, I insist. Besides that is what kingdoms who are allies do, they help each other in times of need." I insisted.

Thengel wore a smile at my words. "Indeed. Spoken like a wise Queen. Don't you say men?"

Thengel turned to his royal advisor and to his officials who all nodded. "Very well Líreth, you and your guards many join us."

"Can I help you?" Théoden asked as he got up from his seat.

Morwen immediately shook her head. "Absolutely not."

Théoden slumped his shoulders. "But I want to help."

I wore a sympathetic smile as I watched Thengel place a hand on his son's shoulder as he kneeled before him so that he was on eye level with Théoden.

"Théoden, son you are too young." Thengel said. "There is a time and place for everything, but fighting against the orcs is too dangerous. You must wait until you are older."

Both Thingol and Gilornel were like this when they were little. They both wished to help Elrond, his hunting group, and me with hunting down the orcs near Rivendell's borders. At Thengel's words,Théoden was still not convinced.

"You can't go with us, Théoden." I said.

"But I want to!" Théoden argued.

"But then who shall guard the people inside? Who will keep the children, the mothers, and others safe while we are outside fighting the orcs?" I pointed out.

Théoden wasn't expecting this answer, and thought about it before speaking. "I hadn't thought about that. But you're right, Queen Líreth. Someone needs to stay here. Don't worry, father, I'll keep them all safe."

Thengel cracked a smile before ruffling his son's hair. "Yes you will. I believe you will."

Morwen glanced over at me and mouthed me a thank you. I merely smiled and bowed in return. Before we left to gather our armor and weapons, the royal advisor spoke out. "Your majesty, King Thengel."


"We have been thinking about the alliance." The royal advisor began. "And we believe that it'll benefit us if we form an alliance with Erebor. Therefore, we agree to the alliance, your majesty."

My smile widened. I did it! I managed to form an alliance with Rohan. Thengel clasped a hand on my shoulder. "You did it. We must celebrate when we return. Now let's go."

We put armor on and grabbed our weapons before mounting on the horses. As we made our way to the borders of Rohan, Thengel spoke up. "I must thank you for convincing Théoden to stay behind."

I smiled as I waved it off. "It's nothing,  I just have experience with children, especially since I have seven of them."

"Seven?" Thengel asked with his eyes widened.

Estel merely chuckled. I found myself cracking a smile. We soon grew serious when we saw packs of orcs at the borders near a village. Where did all these orcs come from?

"There's so many." I commented.

"Yes, but we must not get discouraged." Estel assured.

I nodded. "You're right. Let's kill these orcs!"

Thengel raised his sword. "For Rohan!"

"For Rohan!" We all shouted.

We then charged towards the orcs who were on wargs. Some had shot arrows towards us, I managed to dodge them. I began to use throwing knives, not missing any shots with my sword in my left hand. Thengel used his sword, while Estel used his bow and arrows to fight them off. At around dusk, the remaining orcs fled, probably realizing that they had lost. We cheered as they fled. Only a few of Thengel's men had died in the battle, whereas the orcs suffered more casualties.

"Come, let's return to Edora!" Thengel exclaimed before we all cheered in agreement.

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