Chapter 40: Thôr

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~9 Months Later~

It was a warm August day, I was wandering through the corridors of Erebor with Nemirel, Gilornel, and Dís. Bilbo had gone back to the Shire, accompanied by Gandalf.

Tauriel and Kili had gotten married, and I've never seen Nemirel and Nanor so happy, it warmed my heart to see them all happy and together. Oreth and Mîlel also got married, and just recently Húron and Sigrid got married as well. Fili was currently engaged to a dwarrowdam from the Iron Hills.

As we were talking, I felt pain surge through my body and with every minute it got worse and worse. I was about to fall to the ground, when Nemirel caught me.

"Nana, what's wrong?" Gilornel inquired with a panicked look.

"I-it's happening..." I managed to say.

"Quick Gilornel, get Óin and Thorin." Dís ordered.

As Nemirel and Dís took me to the medical chambers, Gilornel rushed to find Óin and Thorin. Óin, Thorin, and Gilornel arrived several minutes later. Thorin held my hand as I went through several agonizing hours of labor. Then our baby arrived. Óin held Thorin's and my baby in his arms.

"It's a boy." Óin said as he handed the baby over to Nemirel.

Nemirel wrapped the baby in a blanket before she handed him over to me. Thorin and I smiled as we looked down at our baby boy.

"He's wonderful." I said in awe.

"Indeed." Thorin agreed. "What should we name him?"

"Why not Thôr?" I suggested. "In honor of your grandfather?"

Thorin's smile widened. "I love it, amrâlimê. He's amazing. Hello Thôr, it's your father."

"And your mother." I chimed in. "Welcome home, little Thôr."

Gilornel took a step towards us.

"Gilornel, meet your new baby brother." I said before I handed him over to her.

Gilornel wore a smile as she held him. "Hi little tôr, it's your older gwathel, Gilornel."

At that moment, Fili, Kili, Tauriel, Oreth, Mîlel, Nanor, Húron, Sigrid, Thingol, and Kyra all walked into the chambers. They all greeted him and held him. Thingol grinned as he said to his sister. "I told you it would be a boy."

"Oh hush, you'll ruin the family moment." Gilornel replied as she slapped his arm.

I couldn't have felt any happier. We were blessed with another child, and just like my father said our family would continue to expand.


–June, 2954 T.A.–
It was the beginnings of summer. Thôr was now twelve years old, and we had been blessed with three more children. Dôleth and Lúthien, our twin daughters, were seven years old. And our sixth child, Nain, was three.

Thôr looked just like Thorin with the exact hair color and color eyes as Thorin. He had my nose and my smile though. Dôleth looked just like Thorin, while Lúthien looked like me, except for her hair, which was somewhat darker than mine.

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