Chapter 4: More Arguments

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"What about me?" Mîlel asked as we made our way to the village. "What will happen to me once Lavender finds her family?"

"Well, would you like to stay with me in my cottage?" I asked. "Or you are free to wander around on your own."

In a heartbeat Mîlel replied. "Can I stay with you?! Please?!"

I cracked a smile as I ruffled her hair. "Of course."


We returned to the village at nightfall. I dismounted off of Lagorel, and helped Lavender as well. I was going to help Mîlel, however she jumped off all by herself. As I placed Lagorel in my small stables next to my cottage, Mîlel spoke to her in Sindarin. What shocked me was how quick Lagorel grew fond of her.

I then grabbed the rest of my items, placing them in a bag. Lavender, Mîlel, and I then walked inside where they began to look around.

"Is this your place?" Lavender asked.

I nodded. "It's not much, but it's home."

"It looks nice, I like it." Lavender said with a smile.

"It's perfect, Líreth." Mîlel added.

"Líreth! Is that you?"

Lavender was startled by the sudden voice, while Mîlel seemed rather curious and eager to know who else was here. The voice belonged to Dís, she was in the kitchen.

"Don't be afraid, I have some guests, but they're friendly." I assured Lavender.

I then heard their stomach rumbles, they must be hungry. I extended out my hands towards them. "Come, after you meet them you can eat. You must be starving."

With that, each one grabbed my hands and I led them into the kitchen where Dís, Balin, and Thorin were eating. They all stopped when they saw Lavender and Mîlel with me.

"Who're the little lasses?" Balin asked.

"This is Lavender, I found her out in the forest all by herself. She said that she got lost. And this is Mîlel, I also found her with Lavender." I explained. "She has no family, and I've offered her to stay with us. Lavender, Mîlel, this is Balin, Dís, and that grumpy one is Thorin."

Lavender and Mîlel giggled, while Thorin huffed, crossing his arms. Once I served Lavender, Mîlel, and myself dinner, I explained to them what had happened.

"Then if you were helping her out why is she still here?" Thorin asked.

I narrowed my eyes. "In case you were wondering I haven't found her family yet, and we can't go at it all night."

"Why not? You wouldn't have had to see us." Thorin argued.

"Thorin!" Dís scolded once again.

"Lad, please try to be nice to her." Balin added.

"Lavender, Mîlel, why don't you go in the living room." I suggested.

"I'll go with them." Dís offered.

Once they left, Thorin spoke up. "It's true, isn't it? You hate dwarves, I heard you when you were talking to your brother. Well guess what-"

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