Chapter 42: Gilornel & Haldir

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A year went by and after Thorin and I returned from Dale, I found Galadriel along with several guards at the gates of Erebor. That's interesting...

Thorin and I, along with a few guards that we took along with us, approached the gates. I wore a smile as I gave Galadriel the elvish greeting.

"What brings you here, cousin?" I asked.

"I am here, because there is someone who wishes to see your daughter, Gilornel." Galadriel explained with a knowing smile. "Someone very special."

"Who could this be?" I asked, intrigued.

At that moment an elf, taller than me, walked towards Thorin and me. He had long golden hair with blue eyes. He had a lavender cloak over his simple tunic and trousers. He carried a bow and arrows on his back, with a sword hung in his scabbard.

"It's an honor to meet you, your majesty, Queen Líreth, and your majesty, King Thorin of Under the Mountain. I do not know if Gilornel has mentioned me, but I am Haldir of Lórien." The elf introduced himself with the elvish greeting.

"No, haven't heard of anyone named Haldir." Thorin said at once in a gruff tone, earning a slap on his arm from me.

He winced as I gave Haldir the elvish greeting. "Suil, Haldir! So you're the famous Haldir we've heard about."

Gilornel in fact opened up to us and told us much about Haldir, and how he's a Marchwarden of Lórien.

"Gilornel has told us so much about you. She told us that you are a Marchwarden of Lórien." I commented.

Haldir smiled. "I am, I watch the borders of Lothlorien. But I am most content that Gilornel has mentioned me."

Thorin crossed his arms. "What do you want with my daughter?"

"Thorin!" I scolded. "Won't you give the elf a chance? He hasn't even stepped foot into the mountain."

"I wish to see her." Haldir replied. "I want to talk to her."

"About?" Thorin insisted.


"Yes, amrâlimê?" Thorin asked with an innocent look.

A sigh escaped my lips. "Haldir, do you love my daughter?"

He nodded. "More than anything."

"Would you be willing to lie your life down for her?" I asked.

Haldir didn't flinch at my words or hesitate as he spoke again. "I would if it meant she would live. I truly love Gilornel, and if it makes the both of you satisfied I'm willing to prove my love for her."

I exchanged a look with Thorin. I spoke in his mind. "He deserves a chance, nîn meleth. Everyone does, and I'm convinced that he is certain of how he feels for our daughter."

Thorin sighed. "Fine, he gets one chance."

He then stormed closer towards Haldir with a warning look on his face. I tried to keep my composure, but it didn't help that Thorin was a little taller than Haldir's waist. "But if you hurt her you'll return to Lothlorien and never see my daughter again. Understood?"

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