Chapter 21: Stories & Fears

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We continued to walk until night arrived. Once we set up for camp, Bombur made a stew for us all to eat. I sat next to Nanor and Thorin as we ate, listening to a story from the past that Balin was telling. As soon as he finished, Bilbo spoke up. "Líreth?"

"Yes Bilbo?" 

"Can we hear about your past?" He asked, intrigued.

"It's nothing interesting." I said, waving it off.

"Nonsense lass, we'd love to hear it." Bofur chimed in. "Wouldn't we lads?"

All dwarves nodded their heads and encouraged me to open up, and tell my story. Thorin grabbed my hand, and placed it in his large rough hand. "You don't have to, amrâlimê."

"That's right, only if you're up for it." Nanor added.

Nanor and Thorin knew how I wasn't very opened to my past, but that was the old me. Now I'd be more than honored to share the tales of my past.

"And leave the crowd dissatisfied?" I asked. "I couldn't do that, besides I don't mind."

Mîlel, Kyra, Thingol, Gilornel, Húron, and Oreth were always fascinated with my stories that they never grew tired of it. They all gathered around as I commenced to tell my story that began in the first age, even though I was born in the Year of Trees.

"I was blessed to be born in such a wonderful and loving family. My father was Thingol, the King of Doriath, while my mother was a Maiar named Melian, the Queen of Doriath. My older sister, Lúthien, my twin brother, Nanor, and I were the light of their lives." I began. "We lived rather peacefully until something happened. You must understand that I do not blame an entire race for this, for I have learned not all were like them."

I glanced over at Thorin who smiled knowingly at my words. Upon seeing their engrossed faces, I then continued on. Before continuing though, I did manage to tell them how my father wouldn't allow Lúthien to wed a human man, but in the end it all worked out, which costed their lives.

"My mother told my father to befriend the dwarves, he couldn't say no to he did. These dwarves were from Nogrod. My father had received a necklace of the dwarves, the Nauglamír, from Húrin, and he decided to have it fixed, thus politely asking these dwarves to fix it. But once the job was done, they became obsessed with the necklace and when he wouldn't give them the necklace they were furious. It was in the Menegroth, the heart of Doriath, where they slew him."

"That's horrible!" Bilbo gasped.

"How ruthless of them!" Dwalin growled.

I nodded. "Indeed they were, their own greed for the jewel blinded them. We remained hidden in the forests of Doriath for a while, waiting for my father to return...until I had enough of waiting."

I then explained how I travelled to Menegroth, where I found my father's lifeless body, and I claimed the throne, restoring Doriath for a while. Nanor became my royal advisor, how my nana left, and even how Lúthien and Beren had a child named Dior.

"Everything was great again, however a series of attacks came from elves of the Ñoldor, these elves were the sons of Fëanor." I explained. "Fëanor's sons followed an oath, a promise they made, which was sprung into action when my sister, Lúthien, and her husband, Beren, discovered one of the jewels, the Silmaril. And they were willing to die to fulfill their oath."

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