Chapter 46: I'm Alright

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After many days, we finally reached the gates of Erebor. There I spotted Thôr, Dôleth, Lúthien, Nain, and Merileth. Thingol and I dismounted our horses, and approached them.

"Nana!" They all exclaimed as gave me hugs.

"You're alright." Thôr said.

"You must go to addâd." Dôleth commented.

"He won't leave the throne chambers." Lúthien added.

I nodded. "I'll go right away."

With that I ran into the mountain and through the corridors towards the throne chambers where Thorin was. Once I reached the throne chambers, I saw him pacing around his throne.

"Nîn meleth!" I exclaimed.

Thorin immediately turned around towards me. His anxious expression fell and a wide smile took its place on his face. I ran over to him and Thorin wrapped me in his strong and warm embrace.

"You're here. You're alive." He said as he buried his face in my chest.

I kept one hand on his back while I ran my other hand in his hair, trying to soothe and calm him.

"It's alright, Thorin. I'm here, I'm not hurt at all." I assured him.

And we stayed in each other's embrace for several minutes.

At supper, the entire company was happy to see me. They even teased Thorin and how he couldn't stop worrying about me.

"Well I do care and love my wife. My amrâlimê." Thorin replied as he kissed the back of my hand.

My smile widened. "I'm glad to be back, I missed you all. Especially you, nîn meleth and our family."

"Forgive me for interrupting, but did you managed to get Rohan to be our ally?" Balin asked.

"Oh yes. Thengel and his officials all agreed to make Rohan allies with Erebor." I announced.

They all cheered as they congratulated me. I knew I'd be able to do it. Thorin wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me closer towards him.

"Now that's my wife!" Thorin exclaimed with a chuckle. "I knew she'd be able to do it with no problem at all."

We then spent the rest of the evening, catching up with one another. I even told them what happened in Rohan, except for the detail where I found Estel. The years went by, and in 2985, I had four grandchildren; Narril, Estelon, Húron, and Silevon. Narril was the daughter of Thingol and Kyra, and Estelon was their son as well. Húron and Silevon were twin boys, and the sons of Gilornel and Haldir. They were just born a month ago, and I persuaded Thorin for us all to go to visit Gilornel, Haldir, my cousin, Galadriel, and our new grandchildren in Lothlorien.

Thorin was a little hesitant on going since it was a kingdom filled with elves, which he still wasn't comfortable yet. However he did want to see our daughter and our grandchildren, so in the end we went to Lothlorien. Fili, Kili, and Balin would watch the kingdom, while we would visit to Lothlorien. Therefore, Thingol, Kyra, Narril, Estelon, Thôr, Dôleth, Lúthien, Nain, Merileth, Thorin and I all headed out to Lothlorien. It took us a month or so for us to arrive in Lothlorien. When we reached the forest on Lothlorien's borders, I attempted to telepathically inform Galadriel of our arrival.

"Suil, cousin!" She greeted, telepathically. "This time it hasn't taken you ages to visit me."

I cracked a smile at her words. Same old Galadriel. When we were deeper in the forest, Haldir approached us along with a few other guards. He wore a smile as he gave us the elvish greeting, which I returned.

"Welcome King Thorin and Queen Líreth of Erebor, and welcome to all your children and grandchildren." Haldir greeted. "Come, Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn are waiting for you. Lady Galadriel has been expecting you."

"How?" Thorin asked, bewildered.

"She and I can both speak telepathically." I explained. "We just had a lovely conversation."

He chuckled. "I don't think I'll ever get use to that."

With that we made our way to where my cousin and Celeborn were waiting for us. Galadriel and Celeborn gave us the elvish greeting, but nevertheless I still hugged them both.

"It's good to see you again, Líreth." Celeborn replied with a warm smile.

"Likewise, Celeborn." I said.

"Nana! Ada!"

At that moment Gilornel approached us with two children in her arms. After she gave us hugs, she introduced us to Húron and Silevon, Thorin's and my grandchildren.

"Húron, Silevon." I said as I held Silevon, while Thorin held Húron. "They're perfect, Gilornel."

Gilornel smiled at my words. "Thank you, nana."

"You must all be weary from your journey from Erebor." Galadriel commented. "You should all rest for today."

At that moment, a few servants approached us and led us to our chambers. There we rested for the remaining of the evening and night.

Nîn meleth----my love

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