Chapter 38: It's A Trap!

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I heard Gandalf and the others yelling my name for me to return. However I ignored their calls, focusing on reaching Thorin and the others. Hopefully it's not too late. Once I reached Thorin and the others, I noticed that Fili and Kili were no longer with them.

"Thorin! Gilornel! Thingol!" I exclaimed.

"Nana!" Thingol and Gilornel exclaimed as they hug me.

"Amrâlimê!" Thorin exclaimed as he rushed over to me. "Forgive me for all the harsh things I've said to you, I never meant any of them."

I nodded. "I know, nîn meleth. What's important is that you're alright."

"What do you mean?" Thorin asked.

"Thorin!" Bilbo then yelled out as he approached us.

"Bilbo." Thorin said with a smile.

"You have to leave here. Now!" Bilbo replied.

"He's right, it's what I tried to tell you. Azog has another army, attacking from the north. This watchtower will be completely surrounded, there'll be no way out." I warned.

"We are so close." Dwalin said, frustrated. "That orc scum is in there. I say we push on."

"No! That's what he wants. He wants to draw us in. This is a trap." Thorin said as he looked towards Dwalin. "Find Fili and Kili, call them back."

"Thorin, are you sure about this?" Dwalin asked.

"Do it." Thorin ordered. "We live to fight another day."

Before Dwalin could go anywhere. We hear drums coming from the towers across the ice near where we stood. On top of the towers, as the most cleared up, Azog appeared along with some other orcs. In his grasp, he had Fili.

"Oh no." Bilbo said with a horrified look.

I shook my head. "No, no."

"Fili!" Thingol and Gilornel cried.

Thorin had tears in his eyes, but he fought them back. Azog then spoke in black speech as he held up Fili. This one dies first. Then the brother. Then your precious wife and children...I'll kill them slowly before you, And lastly you, Oakenshield. You will die last."

"Go! Run!" Fili yelled.

I stood there, powerless, not knowing what to do. Use your powers, cousin. Do the same thing you did with the bowman. Galadriel's words brought me back. I need to help Fili. I concentrated on Fili, and his eyes met mine. What happened next I couldn't believe. Fili, everything will be alright, trust me.

His eyes widened, and I heard his voice in my head. How are you doing this?

I shrugged. I don't know, but I don't have much time. Trust me.

He nodded. I trust you, Aunt Líreth. Please hurry, I'm afraid.

With that I closed my eyes and opened them back up, focusing on placing Fili to another area. I felt my power draining, but I continued as Azog yelled out. "Here ends your filthy bloodline!"

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