Chapter 14: Hunting Down The Orcs

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A/N: Hey guys hope you're all enjoying the story so far! By the way the pictures of Thingol, Gilornel, Kyra, and Mîlel are posted on this chapter. Thingol is the top left corner, to the right of him is Gilornel, beneath Thingol is Kyra, and beneath Gilornel is Mîlel. Enjoy the chapter!

~June, 2941~
Forty-one years go by, and still no sign of Thorin. Thingol was now married to Kyra, their wedding took place in Rivendell, in the spring of 2902. The wedding was beautiful, and I could help but shed tears. Thingol, Gilornel, Kyra, and Mîlel were not only talented in the arts, but also became great warriors. Thingol grew to be nearly as tall as my father, while Gilornel grew to be my height.

Arwen was in Lothlorien, visiting Galadriel and Celeborn, I told her to greet them both on my behalf. Elrohir and Elladan remained behind, and they became great friends with Mîlel, Thingol, Kyra, and Gilornel.

Also a boy by the name Aragorn was given to Elrond to care for, and unfortunately his father was killed by orcs, while his mother resided in some part of Eriador. Elrond told Thingol, Gilornel, Mîlel, Kyra, and I of his past, but forbade us to mention it to anyone else. So we called him Estel.

I was currently in the gardens, talking to Lindir, one of my good friends, and along with Gilornel and Mîlel, when Elrohir and Elladan rushed towards us. "Líreth!"

"What is it?" I asked.

"Our ada found orcs near our borders." Elrohir explained. "Thingol and Kyra will be joining us to hunt them down."

Orcs? Near Rivendell? That's strange, it hasn't happened in years.

"Let me come with you." I offered.

"And us!" Gilornel exclaimed.

"Ú. You shall do no such thing." I replied.

"And why not?" Gilornel protested.

"I'd hate to see any of you hurt." I said, my motherly instincts taking over. "I hate seeing any of you, whether it be Thingol, Kyra, Mîlel, or you fight. I know you're all great warriors, but I fear your safety."

Gilornel and Mîlel's faces softened at my words. Mîlel placed a hand over my hand. "Don't worry, we'll be fine. There's nothing to worry about."

"And we aren't taking no for an answer." Gilornel added.

A sigh escaped my lips. "Very well, let's go. Forgive me, Lindir, we must leave."

"Not at all." Lindir said with a bow. "I shall see you all later."

We then grabbed our armor, placing it over our clothing, and our weapons before we mounted on our horses. We followed Elrohir and Elladan lead us out of Rivendell and eventually we caught up with the others. There I spotted Thingol and Kyra. They both smiled upon seeing me.

"Good to see you joining us, nana." Thingol commented.

"I couldn't let you guys all the fun." I replied.

Elrohir then blew his horn, and I looked ahead of me to see orcs. I pulled out my sword, getting ready to attack.

"Hûr an eitha?" Elrond asked as he spotted me.

"Ma! Let's kill the orc scum!" I exclaimed.

Elrond chuckled. We then approached the orcs and with ease, we wiped them out. I then used my sword to decapitate the orcs, while Gilornel used her bow and arrows. Thingol and Kyra used their swords, while Mîlel threw her knives straight into the orcs' hearts.

Pretty soon the remaining orcs fled. However I was about to hunt them down, not accepting mercy from such evil and foul creatures, when Elrond spoke. "Adertha ad na bâr. Líreth! Gwaem!"

Reluctantly, I turned back around and followed the others back towards Rivendell. As we made our way back, I couldn't help but think of Thorin. Not a day goes by that I don't remember him. It's been 137 years since I've seen Thorin, will he ever return?

"Nana." I turned to see Gilornel, Mîlel, Thingol, and Kyra all giving me concerned looks.


"Ada will return to us." Thingol replied, keeping hope alive. "He must have his reasons for not returning."

"Thingol, it's been 137 years!" Gilornel reminded him. "Don't you think a visit is overdue?"

"He must have his reasons, from what Líreth said he seemed like a good dwarf to me." Kyra argued. "And besides being a king who was deprived of his kingdom and having to give his people a new life is no easy task."

"Is that really an excuse?" Gilornel scoffed. "What if he's forgotten about nana? What if he's restarted a new life in the Blue Mountains?"

My shoulders slumped at her words. My heart grew heavy upon thinking that Thorin forgot me. Doubt now lingered in my mind no matter how hard I tried to shake it off.

"Enough! Can't you see that this is affecting Líreth?!" Mîlel snapped. "We must be with her, and give her hope."

"I will not give her hope where there is none." Gilornel protested. "False hope will only worsen the situation than being realistic."

And with that she rode ahead of us with Elladan and Elrohir. I tried to ignore their conversation and think of something else like the beautiful flowers in June or the waterfall in Rivendell.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. And as for the topic, concerning your ada I wish for all of you to drop it." I assured them.

Little did I know what awaited me in Rivendell though.

Hûr an eitha?----Ready to strike?
Adertha ad na bâr.---reunite back at home. 
Gwaem----Let's go

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