Chapter 30: We Must Leave

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Bard had walked out without saying where he was going. We were all gathered by the fireplace. Sigrid, Tilda, and Bain were intrigued upon learning more about elves. 

"This is the first time we've seen one." Tilda commented. "Several actually."

"Well then, do you want me to tell you my brother, Nanor's, and my stories?" I asked with a smile.

The three children nodded vigorously. The rest of the afternoon was spent with the children, listening to our tales. I even sang a song for them, since the children and company alike pleaded me to sing. So I sang a song that I would sing in the past.

"May it be an evening star,
Shines down upon you.
May it be when darkness falls,
Your heart will be true.
You walk a lonely road
Oh! How far you are from home.

"Mornie utúlie.
Believe and you will find your way.
Mornie alantie.
A promise lives within you now.

"May it be the shadows call,
Will fly away.
May it be your journey on,
To light the day.
When the night is overcome,
You may rise to find the sun.

"Mornie utúlie.
Believe and you will find your way.
Mornie alantie.
A promise lives within you now.
A promise lives within you now."

The entire room was filled with applauds. Thorin wrapped an arm around me, pulling me closer towards him. "You sing lovely, amrâlimê. I'm happy I finally heard you sing."

"As are we." Bilbo chimed in. "You sing beautifully, Líreth."

They all agreed with Bilbo, and I was so flustered that all I could say was a thank you. Once the sun went down, Thorin stood up. "It's time to go."

"But Bard hasn't returned." Thingol said. "We should at least thank him."

"We do not have the time, lad." Balin chimed in.

"No! You can't go!" Bain exclaimed as he rushed towards the door to block us.

"Bain, Sigrid, Tilda, you're all kind and wonderful children. Remember that. And we thank you for your hospitality." I said. "But we must go now, it's essential."

Bain refused and eventually we were able to leave Bard's home. We made our way towards the city's armory to grab their weapons.

"As soon as we have the weapons, we'll make straight for the mountain." Thorin whispered. He then turned towards Nori. "Go, go."

Once Nori stepped on the dwarves' backs and climbed up into the window of the armory building, it was Bilbo's turn. Nanor, Gilornel, Thingol, Kyra, Oreth, Mîlel, Húron, and I along with Thorin and a few other dwarves began to collect the weapons.

I glanced over at Kili who was carrying several weapons and something seemed off. His face was rather pale, much more than usual. Thorin seemed to notice. "You alright?"

"I can manage. Let's just get out of here." Kili retorted.

Before I could say anything, Kili walked down the stairs. Unfortunately, he tripped and fell down the stairs, dropping the weapons, which caused such a ruckus. Before we could flee, the guards of Laketown had reached us with their weapons pointed at our throats.

The guards then took us towards the middle of the town where people began to flock around. The doors of a giant house opened, revealing Alfrid and an older man, who I assumed must be the master of Laketown.

"What is the meaning of this?" The master asked.

"We caught them stealing weapons, sire." One of the guards explained.

So I was right about him being the master of this town. Oh dear, what trouble we've gotten into now.

"Ah! Enemies of the state, huh?" The master asked.

"A desperate bunch of mercenaries, if ever there was, sire." Alfrid added.

"You know nothing!" I burst out. "You may insult me, but not them! They are not what you seem."

Dwalin chimed in. "Exactly. You do not know to whom you speak. This is no common criminal. This is Thorin. Son of Thrain, son of Thror!"

Thorin then stepped out from our small group, and where the master and people could see him.

"We are the dwarves of Erebor. We have come to reclaim our homeland along with elves of Rivendell." Thorin explained. There were murmurs amongst the crowd. "I remember this town in the great days of old. Fleets of boats lay at harbor, filled with silks and fine gems. This was no forsaken town on a lake. This was the center of all trade in the north!"

Thorin then turned to the people of Laketown. "I would see those days return. I would relight the great forges of the dwarves and send wealth and riches flowing once more from the halls of Erebor!"

The crowd cheered at his words. I smiled. Spoken like a true king. However the moment was short lived as we heard a familiar voice. "Death! That is what you'll bring upon us."

We turned to see Bard, pushing through the crowd. He stormed over to Thorin as he continued. "Dragon fire and ruin you will bring. If you awaken that beast, it will destroy us all."

"You can listen to this naysayer, but I promise you this. If we succeed all will share in the wealth of the mountain." Thorin ignored Bard and tried to persuade the people. "You will have enough gold to rebuild Esgaroth ten times over!"

The crowd then cheered again, however Bard wasn't giving up. He turned back towards the crowd. "All of you! Listen to me, you must listen! Have you forgotten what happened to Dale? Have you forgotten those who died in the firestorm? And for what purpose?"

Oh no. Please tell me he's not going where I think he's going.

Bard then whipped around to face Thorin. "The blind ambition of a Mountain King, so riven by greed, he could not see beyond his own desire!"

Dwalin looked like he was about to shred Bard to pieces, and Balin had to hold him back. Thingol grew furious, but remained calm as I did. I knew that Thorin could defend himself and nothing good came from an angry mind. We did have to hold back Gilornel, who just like Dwalin was ready to rip Bard to shreds.

Before things got out of hand, the master spoke up. "Now. Now. We must not, any of us, be too quick to lay blame. Let us not forget, that it was Girion, Lord of Dale, your ancestor, who failed to kill the beast."

I gasped. Bard was Girion's descendant? I watched Bard's face fall at the master's words.

"It's true, sire. We all know the story. Arrow after arrow, he shot. Each one missing its mark." Alfrid mocked.

Bard then took another step towards Thorin. His voice fell to a whisper, but thanks to my elf ears, I could hear every word. "You have no right, no right to enter that mountain."

"I have the only right." Thorin replied before turning to face the master. "I speak to the Master of the men of the lake. Will you see the prophecy fulfilled? Will you share in the great wealth of our people? What say you?"

The master was rather hesitant before speaking. "I say unto you...welcome! Welcome, King Under the Mountain!"

The entire crowd cheered at his words. My smile grew wider. Thorin approached me with a huge grin. He did it. He was able to convince the people. Soon enough we will reach the mountain and everything will work out.

Mornie utúlie----darkness has come
Mornie alantie----darkness has fallen

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