Chapter Thirty Nine- Dark Magic

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Chapter Thirty Nine- Dark Magic

Lord Kim Dae Hyeon's residence...

The day dawned bright and early, and Da Yeong opened her eyes to a room full of girls.

They were whispering in idle gossip, unaware that she had woken up.

Disoriented, she looked around, confirming she was in her own room.

"What-." She was going to ask what they were doing there, but she realized her throat was very dry.

"She's awake!" One of the girls screamed, and Da Yeong wished she would keep quiet.

Her head was pounding.

"Ma-nim! She's awak-."

"Shut up!" Da Yeong shouted, and they all looked at her startled. She sat up, her hand to her head, then reached for the water beside her bed.

"Agashi, are you alright?" One of the girls asked.

She didn't recognize any of them, but she registered their uniforms.

They were young shamans.

She dropped the bowl of water and faced them.

"Mianhamnida." She apologized. "You were shouting and-."

"Ah! No, Agashi should not apologize. Forgive us for shouting so loudly." They all bowed politely.

Slightly confused, Da Yeong wondered again, what they where doing in her room.

She focused on the person that had spoken.

"Who are y-?" The door slid open and her maid came in with a darkly dressed woman.

Da Yeong recognized her immediately.

"Ah. You-." She shut her mouth at once, wanting to kick herself.

She had meant to pretend she did not remember anything.

But it was too late.

Pal Wol had seen the recognition in her eyes.

"Ma-nim." The other shamans chorused, bowing respectfully, and Pal Wol approached the young lady.

At first, Pal Wol had not been able to tell if Lady Kim had remembered everything.

Her aura had become impossibly stronger and her hair had turned fully white, but she had still been sleeping.

However, her recognition spoke volumes.

Pal Wol had not met her since she was a baby, so if she recognized her, she definitely remembered.

Pal Wol sank into a graceful bow, then raised her head.

"Greetings Agashi. I am Pal Wol, head of the Southern palace magical body. Forgive me for the intrusion. Sangwang Jeonha sent me to make sure you are well, and to escort you to the Palace."

Da Yeong merely looked at her, wide-eyed, and she continued.

"Sangwang Jeonha requests your presence, now that you have awoken as the white deity."

"What? What deity? I have no idea what you are saying." Da Yeong was suddenly very interested in everything but Pal Wol.

She looked down at her hand, her other hand subconsciously going to the rings Daegun had placed on her finger.

She didn't even want to imagine a life where they couldn't be together.

She wanted to go and see him, but she was even more afraid that they all remembered everything.

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