Chapter Forty Two- Into The Past

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​Chapter Forty Two- Into The Past

The deities had been rather unwilling to let go of being human.

The day Sang Yoo Jin had taken the throne, had been the day the four of them had received the King's Journal from Pal Wol.

At first, they had been eager to read the book, curious about what had happened, but oddly enough, none of them were willing to take that step.

"This will change everything, won't it?" Da Yeong had asked, voicing out what bothered all of them.

"Ye. I suppose if we read this, we would have to take responsibility, depending on what we see." Chun Hwa added.

"Wha- what if we lose our memories after this? I mean, it's strange that we can remember everything." Hye Yeon said, and they all considered this in silence.

"I don't want to leave my family-.... yet." She added in a rush, and Chun Hwa lightly hit her with a book again.

"Aigoo! Do you think anybody here wants to leave their family?" He looked at Tae Jun. "Tae Jun-ah, this decision is up to you. You've been quiet."

Tae Jun had thought about it. He had really really thought about it.

"The responsible thing would be to open this book now and turn our backs on life as we know it. Even if it means we might lose our memories after all." He paused.

"If we don't know what happened, we might make the same mistake we made back then." He added, and Da Yeong and Hye Yeon's faces fell.

However, they were surprised when he stood up suddenly. He leaned down and grabbed Da Yeong's hand, pulling her up.


"Chun Hwa-ah, I will entrust you to keep this book safe till a later date. Don't touch it with your bare hands!" Without another word, he dragged Da Yeong out of the pagoda.

Chun Hwa and Hye Yeon stared after them open-mouthed.

"Heol! Did Lord Geom just-?"

"Whatever the Lord of the Heavens is planning, leaving us with our memories like this might be a problem." Chun Hwa cut her off.

Still, he was more than happy to keep the book away, careful not to touch it.


Da Yeong had happily allowed herself to be dragged off, but she yanked her hand away when she noticed where they were.

It was one of the empty palaces.

"Ya. Dragging me away to a secluded location like this-." She turned away shyly. "People will get the wrong idea." She added, fiddling with the front of her chima.

"Ha! I'm impressed! You can think of such things at a time like this! You didn't protest when I brought you in here, until now. Seriously, you've been secretly hoping I'd bring you somewhere secluded, right?"

"Ya!" She flushed prettily, spinning round to glare at him. "Wah! What do you take me fo-?"

She never finished, as he stormed over to her, grabbed her shoulders and kissed her deeply.

It felt like a blissful, magical eternity to Da Yeong- and yet, it was over all too soon.

They were both out of breath.

She felt herself swoon, but he caught her, his arm going around her waist.

"Wae? No stamina again?" He teased, then kissed her forehead as she flushed even deeper. He continued.

"If things are like this, I don't exactly want to read that book. Forgetting all this is not something I accept."

"What are we going to do?" She asked, placing her head to his chest.

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