Chapter 47 SAVED

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Third Person

Chara ran up to Frisk, her eyes were blank

A demon like you.. My sister? You even stole Sans from me? Why would I ever love you.

These words were definitely having an effect on Chara as she backed away, no sooner Frisk drew a knife and slashed down at Chara, who barely managed to dodge, "Frisk! Stop this! This isn't you! We're sisters! Sisters wouldn't do this to each other!" A single tear fell down her cheek but Frisk continues to slash at Chara with the knife, it wasn't working, something else had control of Frisk, it wasn't just Asriel anymore.. Crazed laughter came from Frisk's body and a demonic face emerged, one that Chara recognised immediately, that face, two red eyes and a wide grin of malice, "YoU tHoUgHt I wAs GoNe AfTeR yOu DeStRoYeD oUr FiGhT bUtToN!? DoN't Be StUpId!"

Frisk collapsed and a shadow hovered over her body, taking form, pale grey skin, a black shirt with one red stripe, "NoW tHaT i HaVe EnOuGh DeTeRmInAtIoN tO hAvE mY oWn BoDy ThAnKs To FrIsK oVeR tHeRe.. I'm GoInG tO kIlL yOu AnD tHeN kIlL tHiS pAtHeTiC gOaT aNd ErAsE tHiS wOrLd!" The demon lunged after Chara after picking up the knife, Chara dodged and pressed save on her menu for Frisk

But nothing happened.

Chara didn't know what to do, she had no fight button, she could only dodge or talk to the demon, but talking wouldn't have any real effect she thought, she scanned her menu then she noticed it.

Save ?

Chara pressed it, "Oh? TrYiNg To SaVe Me? DoN't Be StUpId!" The demon lunged at her again, but Chara kept dodging, she kept pressing save over and over but the demon kept coming at her, Chara was slowing down the demon was getting faster and it was getting harder to Dodge it's slashes, another slash, Chara tripped narrowly avoiding the slash and fell on her back, she backed away slowly, the demon pounced on her knife poised, Chara hit save again

But nothing happened.

"LoOkS lIkE tHaT's AlL yOu'Ve GoT. NoW DiE!" The demon went to strike when all of a sudden it was stabbed from behind, "Frisk!" The demon screeched in pain as it backed away from the two, "HoW!?" Frisk just smirked at the demon's question, "DETERMINATION!" She shouted and Chara couldn't help but giggle, Frisk had always had more determination than her. "I'lL kIlL yOu BoTh!" The demon charged and slashed vertically at the two of them a red blast coming from the slash heading towards them both, Chara and Frisk both dodged the attack and pinned the demon to the ground knocking the knife out of it's hand, Frisk started punching the demon in the face yelling at it "don't you ever try to harm my sister ever again!" The demon started to fade after awhile before uttering a few last words

This isn't over, as long as she exists, so will I

It laughed then faded and all was pure white, then Asriel reappeared and Frisk and Chara stepped forward to face him.

Woo! Finally finished this! And lunch is over ^^hope you enjoyed! Thank you for reading!  -Tenjo

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