Part 1//

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     I woke up to a loud bang coming from the kitchen. It scared me so bad I accidentally kicked Bauer off of the bed. Bauer is Toms dog. He had got him when he first moved to DC since he was lonely. His name is Bauer, you can kind of figure out why he named him that...
but anyways, I dragged myself out of the warm bed and walk into the kitchen where I heard the loud bang. I see Tom and André Burakovsky with a big mess on the counter. I laugh and they both turn around. "Hey Amber did we wake you? We're really sorry". André says apologizing.
"Well yeah kind of but it's okay I can get a good start to my day and get stuff done and that. What are you guys trying to make" I say emphasizing the 'trying'.
"Well babe, we were trying to make ourselves some eggs, bacon and toast and for you we were trying to make you some bacon and pancakes but they kind of burnt soo". Tom explains. I just laugh and give them a smile. "Thanks guys but I don't want guys go watch tv or get ready and I'll make everything for both of you." I tell them.

Today's Friday so it's a game day which means they're going to have a big breakfast. I usually stay at Toms about 4 times a week. Sometimes less or sometimes more. It's beautiful here. He lives in an apartment but it has a lovely overlook of the city and also most of his friends and teammates live here. If they don't have wives or kids they're most likely to be in this apartment because all they have to do is go to work.
When I'm here, I usually make them breakfast. When I'm not here I have no clue what Tom does.

André is Toms best friend since they were roommates for a few years, now they live in the same apartment building, they're close to age, Andrés 21 and Toms 22, and they play on the same team. I actually knew André for a few years my self. Him and my brother were good friends. They always hung out together either playing hockey or just being at the house. Andrés like a little brother to me. He's an awesome guy and I love him as a brother and a friend. I really don't mind him being over here when I'm trying to spend some time with Tom because we all just love having each other's presence around.

"Guys foods done". I yell so Tom can here me who's in the shower. André was on the couch. I brought it over to him so we could have a talk. "Thanks so much mom" he says grabbing the plate giggling. "So are you coming to the game tonight?"  He asks.
I usually go to every game unless I have a reason not to. I love going and I love hockey so I have no reason why I don't want to go. "Yeah counting on it"  I respond. "Well can I ask you a huuugeee favor" he asks nervously. " my mom is flying in from Austria for a while and I really don't want her to take a uber from the airport and..." I cut him off. "Yes I'll pick her up André... I don't want gas money. Just buy me dinner one day". I say.
"Oh my thank you so much Amber I'll let her know. I know you never met her but she'll love you so don't be nervous"
"No problem..." I pause. I grab my phone off the table, "so it's 6:30. What time does her flight land?"
"11:15" he tells me. "I'll be at practice or I would go get her myself but ya know. A game is tonight and we can't miss this practice" he says.
"Yeah I know. I promise it's no harm. I'll pick her up. I'm going to go get ready" I tell him while getting up and going over to Tom who I didn't know was over at the island chowing down his food.
"Byeee I'm going to get ready then I said I would go pick up Andrés mom! So I won't see you til tonight before the game."  I give him a kiss on the cheek because I didn't brush my teeth yet.
"Bye love you text me when your about to be at the arena." He gives me a hug and a kiss back.

     I got in the shower, did my makeup very simple, put on my navy blue leggings with a white stripe down the leg, a red capitols hoodie, then I brushed my teeth, and I had to blow dry my hair then straighten it. I put it up in a ponytail though. When I was all done, it was 8:02. I looked at my phone. I had 1 missed call from my aunt, a text from my stepsister Sarah, and one from my dad.

From Sarah🤥- hey I was wondering if you would like to go to the mall you could pick me up then we could go eat or something

I've been trying to accept Liz and Sarah into my life. I've been trying to be nice to Sarah and treat her like a real sister instead of a high school girl who I don't like. I do feel bad that she wanted to do something and I actually can't.

To Sarah🤥- I'm really sorry Sarah!! I have to go to the airport to pick up Andrés mom then I have the game to go to later.
To Sarah🤥- but hb this... hb tomorrow. It's a date forsure okay?? I'll talk to your mom in a little bit to see if she can drop you off at Toms around 10 am because I'm coming here after the game tonight. But we can go to the mall, go get lunch, get our nails done, come back here watch a movie or something then I'll see if I can get you a ticket for the game that night! Sound fun?

From Sarah🤥- oh ok, that's alright. yes!!! I can't wait. Sounds fun. Thank you Amber. Girls day it is!! 😊 talk to you later!

I'm glad she's excited for it. So am I because we never got to hang out in the time our parents were together or got married. It'll be fun.

Next I see what my dad says,
From Dad💙👨🏻- good morning I know your lazy ass is sleeping so wake up!! It's gameday!! Tell Tom good luck tonight and André told me his moms flying in so bring her up to my box if you don't have anywhere for her to go. Love u!! Answer Sarah back asa u get up.
To Dad💙👨🏻- I've been up since 5:30 AM!! I'm so tired. Tom and André were making a bunch of noise trying to cook😂🙄. I will when I see him tonight. I'm actually picking up his mom at the airport. I'll be leaving soon but I think we'll have extra seats I'm going to get to know her. Seems like a cool mom as André describes. I'll text you later and we're hanging tomar! Aren't ya happy?? Love you too. Byee

I decide to call my aunt when I get to the airport while I'm waiting.

I wait around until about 9:30 and I leave. It takes about 45 minutes to get to the airport so I'll be good. I don't want to be late for my first impression!

-At the airport-
I decide to call my aunt since Andrés moms flight won't be arriving until another 30 minutes.

*phone call* (M-me / A- Aunt)
A- hey sleepy head!! Did you just wake up?
M- hello aunt TT no I did not!! I've been up since 5:30 thank you very much. Tom and André woke me up trying to cook. They dropped pans everywhere.
A- oh how's that going?
M- how's what going?
A- living with Tom and all the guys who come over and sometimes spend the night..
M- oh no I'm not living there. I'm not moved in. I just stay there and I don't know what it would be like without the guys *laughs*
A- I talked to your dad, he said he rarely sees you. I assumed you moved out and living with Tom. Isn't it time though?
M- TT, im not rushing. Does he even love me? We've been dating for 2 years and we haven't moved up in the relationship yet like moving in together.
A- yes amber. He loves you. That's good you two aren't rushing. You know he can have a model or someone else but no he sticks with you because he loves you and likes how you are no matter what
M- alright, I have to go. I love you I'll talk to you later.
A- love you too. Tell Tom I said suck tonight. Hahaha

*hangs up*
My aunt TT has always been like a second mom to me. My mom was her sister so she wen through the same thing my dad and I did. She lives in Brooklyn, New York so I never see her. Tom probably loves that because she's an Islanders fan.

It's 11:11. About time for Andrés mother to get off the flight although I have no idea what she looks like... this shall be fun. I got on Andrés Instagram to find a picture of her but it probably won't help.

((Sorry this is a long chapter)) 😬

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