Part 41//

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                           A few weeks later

     It's been about 3 weeks since we got home from Hawaii and it's been rough. Tom and I haven't really spoke unless we need something. He blames himself for getting hurt and that's why he ruined his career in the only place he wanted to be. Playing for the Washington capitals.  It's the only place I know myself too. I grew up here ever since my dad played for them and when I met Tom, he was set put in staying and playing here the whole time. Not knowing where we'll be moving next is what I signed up for because I married Tom. Now that we know we're most likely moving probably to Pittsburgh, I'm relieved we don't have any children or any more animals because it would be so hard for them and us.

      Tom went to D.C. for some rehab and business while staying in Toronto with bauer and my aunt is visiting along with my cousin Jordin.  He just turned 27 years old and he works for TSN and is marrying one of my best friends from home, Adrianna.  She is 24 and a model for Abercrombie&Finch, hollister, and American eagle.

I got up at 6:30 am today so I can get some breakfast and go to the airport to pick up my aunt and cousin. It takes about an hour to get to the airport along with traffic so I leave earlier for something to eat.
I get up, brush my teeth, pull up my hair in a ponytail, put on navy blue leggings, a red capitals hoodie, and I slip on some white converse and head out the door.
I go through Tim Hortons which is right down the street from the house and pick up 3 boxes of little timmies and a large vanilla iced cappuccino.

I finally arrive at the pick up gates about and hour and a half later to see my aunt and cousin standing there with all their bags.
I honk a few times and they both finally see me waving like a maniac in the blacked out Range Rover. Jordin runs over and I get out. We both hug for a few minutes because we haven't seen each other in about 3 years. "Ah asshole!! I missed you so much" I say smiling like crazy because I'm happy to see him.
We finish our hugs and hellos then finally get in to the car to go home.
"Let's go. I bet bauer is wondering where I am and he never seen you before" I say referring to Jordin. "He'll be all over you" I laugh.
"I'm excited to meet him and I only met Tom like twice so I'll get to talk with him" Jordin says.
"Well Tom is in DC right now. He left two days ago and won't be back until Friday. You'll only get to see him for about a day" I explain to them.
"Whys he in DC?" My aunt wonders.
I wasn't sure if I should tell them or not so I didn't. "Rehab for his injury, and talking with management about a deal they're working on for the upcoming season"

They're staying for 4 days. It's Tuesday now so they'll be leaving Saturday night. Tom and I are leaving to go to Australia on this upcoming Monday and staying for I think a week. It's going to be great to go and see Andre who believe it or not I actually miss.


I unlock the door and bauer comes jumping on all of us. I took them to their rooms. Jordin will be in the basement while my aunt will be in the guest room. I tell them where everything is at in the house, I feed bauer, then I go back in my room and pass out for a few hours. They needed rest too so we all slept.
It was around 8am when I passed out and I got up around 11:30.

      When I woke up, I went into the bathroom to get ready for the day since I been in my pajamas. I picked out my clothes I was going to wear. It was a pair of black leggings, a white short sleeve tee with a red and black flannel tied around my waste. I was going to wear my hair in a high messy ponytail and for shoes I was going to put on some black booties with a heel.
First I brushed my teeth again, got a shower, did a light everyday makeup, got dressed, then I did my hair and I was done an hour later.

It was now close to 1 o'clock. I go out into the living room and see my cousin and aunt Liz sitting there watching tv.
"Good morning or should I say afternoon sleeping beauty" my aunt says referring to how late I am to start my day.
"Sorry you guys come to visit me and you won't get to see me because I sleep all day" I laugh. "But now that I'm present and ready, do you guys want to go get lunch and go to the mall or see something's" I ask.
"How about you Two go and spend sometime together, take him to see Toronto and just go have fun. Tomorrow we'll have a girls day and catch up. I think I'm just going to rest and I'll order something and have it delivered or if there's anything walking distance" my aunt tells me.
I try to convince her to come so we can all spend time together but she doesn't budge.

     Jordin and I go out to Chilis for lunch and that's where we just talk and catch up. Afterwards, I take him around the city to a few of my favorite spots and favorite monuments. After that, it was about 5pm already so we hit up the mall to see what we can buy.
I got myself and found somethings for tom to take to Australia with us. I even got Andre, his mom, and his little brother I never met something from here.

     We get back to the house around 6:30pm, and when we arrive, I see a car that I never seen in the driveway.
"Who's cars this?" I ask myself out loud.
"How the hell am I supposed to know amber. It's your house" Jordin says in a tone and I laugh because I wasn't thinking.

I honk the horn to the rover and walk inside to discover who's car that is.
"Liz" I shout walking into the door.
"On the patio" I hear her yell back.

I drop off all the bags on the couch and then make my way to the patio. I walk though the doors and look over. It was Lauren and TJ along with Gray.

"No freaking way. Oh my gosh why are you guys here" I start crying. "I missed you guys so much" I attack them with hugs still balling my eyes out.
"We wanted to come and surprise you. I thought you'd be home but you weren't and we didn't know you already had family here. We missed you so much." Lauren says starting to cry too.
"What do you mean 'why' are we here? Do you not want us here" TJ says giving me a hug. I laugh.
"My favorite Oshie  right here." I say picking up gray and giving him a huge kiss.

"Liz, how did you know they're good and not robbers or something. I bet you never heard of his name before. They might seem like good people but that doesn't mean you invite them in my house" I tell her. "How long have they been here? You could've called and told me I would've came home."
"For about an hour but they told me not to because it  was a surprise and you know me amber. I told them to wait outside and I searched his name on the internet" soon as she says that, everyone laughs.

"Tom didn't tell us they were here so-" I stop her. "Wait? Tom knew" I question. TJ shakes his head 'yes'. "He didn't tell us so we can find somewhere else to stay it's fine" he says.
"No-no-no-no! It's okay! Stay here I want you guys to. My aunt can stay in the guest room like she's been, Jordin can sleep in the pull out bed in tom and I's room, then you guys can sleep in the basement. Gray can sleep in a big bed with me" I say smiling at all the end point. I even ask Gray and he says 'ok'.

For the rest of the night, we just talked, watched tv, and ate dinner then we all went to bed. There's a girls day tomorrow.

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