Part 2//

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A lady walks up to me.
"Hi, are you Amba?" She asks. I can tell by her accent and the way she says my name, which I love, that she's not from around here.
"Hi! Yes I am. Are you Andrés mother?" She shakes her head. " so nice to meet you! Here give me your bags" I say taking two of her bags.
"Nice to meet you too! I'm Cathy. André has told me some stuff about you. Good stuff of course!" She smiles.
Wonder what he has said.

We get into Toms Range Rover since I don't have my car. I haven't been home so I don't have my car at the apartment building.
I put her bags in the trunk then start on the way back to the apartments.

"So I heard your dating Tom Wilson eh?" She smiles at me.
"Yes, yes I am" I smile back. "André said he hasn't seen you in about a year and a half?" I question.
She gets sad but also happy. "Yeah just about. He came here for hockey I told him to go pursue his dreams. He wanted me to come and move here with him but I couldn't leave the country because of money issues and that. I miss him so much and this is my birthday present. A flight ticket" she explains.
"Aw well happy birthday whenever that is" I chuckle.
"It's on Monday. And thank you so much. I don't like my birthday but André has something planned out he says and insists I'll love it. I hate surprises." She says.
"Hey so would you like to do something or are you too tired?" I ask her. She looks at me like 'go ahead'
"Well they're still at practice right now and we're only like 10 minutes away. It's toward the end of practice but would you like to go surprise him?" She gives me a look like 'let's do this'.
"My gosh. Yes! I'd love to!"

We get to the arena and wait in the closet a crossed from the locker room. When he comes out we'll jump out and surprise him. I can tell Cathy is so excited.
Tom doesn't even know I'm here so I'll be surprising him too.
"There he is" I whisper. "3...2...1... go" we both jump out of the closet and scare him half to death.
He starts to tear up. I do too. It's so sweet.

Andrés POV
"Ahh" I scream. I hear and see Tom and Amber laughing in the corner of my eye. But all I can look at is my mom standing right in front of me. I haven't seen her in a long time. I missed her a lot.
"Mom" is all I say giving her a huge bear hug. She starts crying, I get tearing eyed, and Amber is saying she's about to cry too.

"I didn't tell you to scare and surprise me A" I tell her.
" yeah I know but she was excited, you were, I was so I brought her here. Your welcome" she says. I give amber a hug too thanking her.

I already got a shower after practice so I was clean and wanted to spend time with my mom before the game tonight which I hope we win tonight and tomorrow since she'll be here watching.

Ambers POV
The surprise was a success. It was a small reunion and it was so great. I left them alone so they can catch up and hang out. I drive the Rover back and Tom gets into the jeep and drives home in that.

I grabbed Cathys luggage from the back and brought it to Andrés apartment which we have a key for. I set it in the living room. I stay there for about 5 minutes playing with penny, his cat then I lock the door and leave.

"What took you so long it's only 3 doors down" Tom asks.
"Sorry. I was playing with penny" he laughs at me.

It's literally the cutest cat ever. Sorry I have to pet everything cute.

" it's 1 so I'm going to take a small nap. Come too babe." He says plopping down on the couch.
"I'm not going to take a nap. It'll make me even more tired. I'll watch tv. You can take a nap". He agrees laying his head on my lap wrapping his arms around my waste.
With his eyes resting, he speaks.

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