Part 29//

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Today is the last regular season game. It's a late one. 8 pm against Nashville at home.
One part of me is praying for them to win and go on to the playoffs and then go to the finals and win it all and the other part of me would enjoy them losing and Dallas not getting 3 goals so we wouldn't make it to the playoffs. I just would love for him to be here with me since I'm pregnant but I would love for him not to worry about me and just go out to play and do his job.

I woke up late, around 11:30 am. I still would've been sleeping probably but Tom had woken me up by tapping me endlessly until I moved. He might've thought I was dead because I was out of it.

"Babe. Sorry to wake you but it's just about noon and I'm going to head out now. I'm taking the jeep. Andre said he's coming over later and he'll drive to the game and I'll just drive us back in my car after the game." Tom tells me.

I rub my eyes then shake my head 'ok'. We give each other a small kiss and then he leaves. I need to wake up but I can't get out of bed.

I'm hungry but I don't want to make anything so I decide to text Andre.

To burvy🤓💙❣️- hey will you pleaseee pick me up some chic Fil a on the way here?? My usual breakfast order and a iced Capp please and thanks. I'll pay, get whatever u want. Just come before the game tonight I know how u are. Come fast. I'm starving.
From burvy🤓💙❣️- ughhhhh I guess so.... I got it, I'll pay. It's okay amber. & shut tf up!!! I'll be there in 30. Bet.
To burvy🤓💙❣️- yesssss!! Thank you sm Andy!! & haha well bet on that. U pay if ur not here in 30 I pay if ur here less than that. *hand shakes*
To burvy🤓💙❣️- I'll be upstairs getting ready if your wondering btw. You have a key so don't even know why I'm telling you things 🙄🙄
From burvy🤓💙❣️- okay mrs.wilson..... that's a deal. See you very soon.

     I lock my phone and go get ready for the day. I pick out a pair of black skinny holey jeans to go with my customized capitals flannel and black boot heels.  After I get dressed, I put my hair up into a messy bun but it looks very good and cute. I then brush my teeth and put on some makeup.

I walk down the stairs to see Andre sitting in my kitchen eating.
"Don't say anything. I was up there and you didn't tell me when you arrived so we can't bet" I told him straight up.
"No no no no. A bets a bet amber. I got here at 12:15 which is like 20 minutes. Pay up." He argues with me.  I just keep shaking my head 'no' because that's not fair at all. I grab my food and go into my living room and turn on the NHL network.

     Hours later, it was time to head off to the game. We were there 3 hours before the game even started. It was only 4:48 pm.
No body was in the stands but Andre and I so we went in the family room because it was getting boring out there alone.
The guys had media day all day until 6 so we went into their little cafeteria where the chef cooks them the right stuff to eat. He made me a grilled chicken and Andre had a veggie burger.
For the rest of the time, we just hung out, talked, played games, watched tv, and walked around the arena until people started to come in around 7 o'clock. I was all alone besides Andre because Lauren couldn't have came because her mother is in the hospital from falling down the stairs last night. She has a broken wrist, fracture in her leg, her hip hurts her very bad, she's swelled, and there's bruises everywhere. I'm not close with the other wags so I just talk to Andre and hope Lauren's mom gets better before the playoffs.

                               Game time
Pd 1: 2-0 Nashville.     1-0 penguins (who Dallas is playing)
Pd 2: 3-0 Nashville.     2-2 tied
Pd 3: 3-3 tied.              4-2 final
OT: the capitals came back and won 4-3. They will be advancing to the Stanley cup playoffs and face the Pittsburgh Penguins.

"Wow did you see Dallas lost. They needed one point to help us but we did it by our own" I say talking to my dad on the phone.
"Yeah rivalry coming up. Pens caps Better get ready. Tell Tom and TJ congrats and tell Lauren I hope her mom gets better soon. I got to go honey I have to get on a flight to Vancouver then I'm going to Toronto then San Jose for 3 days. I'll be back in about 2 weeks. Love you bye" my dad says back.
I hang up and go to stand outside the locker room to wait for Tom. After he gets a shower, us 3 are all going out to celebrate. Well they're going to have a few drinks. Not me though because I'm pregnant.

I'm going to see the doctors next week. The day after game one of the Stanley cup playoffs. The first two games are home so Tom gets to come to the doctors with me if it's the right time. The first game is on Wednesday then my appointment is on Thursday then game 2 is on Friday.

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