Part 34//

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I was now standing outside of the car waiting for Lauren to get back from the bathroom and whatever else she's doing. We stopped at a rest stop. I just needed to get out of the car and stand because we drove 3 hours straight already and still have 2 more to arrive home.
While I was standing there, a women walks by me with a dog. I can't resist because one, its a dog and two, I miss bauer a lot.
"Aw, can I pet your dog" I say in a kid voice. The lady laughs. "Of course"
"What's his name?" I question.
"Barry. We're hockey fans. Capitals fans as you can tell" she says pointing at her shirt. "Barry trotz the coach is a round guy, not being mean, but so is the dog so I thought it was a good fit" she tells me. It makes me laugh a little bit.
"That's funny. I have a English bulldog named bauer because I'm a huge capitals fan also. Here's a photo of him" i tell her pulling out my phone showing her my lock screen of Tom, the dog and I because I didn't want to go clear to my photos.
The lady didn't recognize Tom on my phone first thankfully and then she said that she seen the dog somewhere and I looked familiar.
"So how far along are you?" She asks looking at my stomach.
"8 months"
"wow. I just found out so I have a long way to go" she tells me.
"Oh, congratulations. It'll be worth it in the end. Just enjoy it" I give her some advice.

Lauren finally comes out and doesn't even see me talking to someone. She opens up the back car door and throws the bag in. "Come on wilson. Let's hit the road" she shouts.
"Wilson! Aha. That's who you are. You're Toms wife. What's it like dating a NHL player? It's Nice to meet you. I knew I seen you and that dog somewhere. I'll let you get back on the road. Good luck and hope Tom gets better quick!" She says figuring it out.
"Nice to meet you too. I wouldn't trade the life for anything but I wouldn't recommend getting a guy who plays hockey for a living. Bye Barry" I say giving her a smile and getting down to pet Barry to say goodbye.

"Thanks Oshie" I roll my eyes.

A few hours later, I'm home. By myself. I left Tom and bauer is still at TJs moms house. I'm picking him up tomorrow.

I think it's time for a nice bubble bath and then a nap for a few hours.

My appointment got changed to tomorrow, Tuesday. I told dr.angeles I'd be back anyway so that would work. She has to go to Florida to visit her mother who isn't doing well. I would've had to go to a different doctor and I don't like that. She'll be back to deliver him though.


     I go to the appointment by myself this time. Toms still in Pittsburgh and I didn't want to bother Lauren because she's been to more appointments than Tom has been.

      "Hello amber. Welcome back. Have a seat and dr.angeles will be with you in a few minutes" the lady in the front office tells me.
I wait about five minutes and she comes out to get me to take me in the back.

     "My flight leaves at 1:35 so you're my last patient for a few weeks" dr.angles says taking a deep breathe.
I lost my mom when I was young so having her spend all this time with her and having her die when she's a grown adult would be hard but that's the way it's supposed to be.
"But you'll be back to deliver him right" I ask making sure.
"Yes" she laughs. "Wouldn't miss it. I'll be back Saturday. So I'll be there for 4 days plus half of today" she tells me.
"Okay good" I smile.  I wouldn't want any other doctor to deliver my baby.

     She checks my stomach but this time was a little bit different. We usually talk the whole time about different things. This time it was silent and I was confused why that is.
I look up at the screen and I see the baby but not kicking. I know I haven't felt him kick a lot or at all. I'm not no doctor so I wasn't sure what was going on.
She wipes my stomach off with a blank face and tells me to get situated then come in her office.
I do so.

"So what's up? I have a few questions about going to the hospital and what it feels like when I'm going to have the baby" I tell her while I sit down in the chair.
She pulls up my screenings from all the appointments on the computer. I thought it was just normal to go through all of them your last appointment to see how much the baby grown and that.
She takes a deep breath. "Okay- uh, amber, I want to go over these screenings with you and I need to tell you something at the end where I show you what's wrong. I can't answer them questions now. First I need to go over this" she tells me.
"Something's wrong? Just tell me dr.angeles. You know how I am. Just get to the point please" I say trying not to cry because I don't know what's wrong.
"I'm sorry. I don't like doing this at all  that's why I'm taking my time and trying to show you what's wrong. But if you want me just to come out and tell you I will but promise me you'll let me show you the photos." She tells me.
"Just tell me"
"Amber, you had a miscarriage. I'm sorry. I am."
I just break down and cry. Dr.angeles comes over to sit by me. "It's no body's fault. Stuff like this just happens. It's very rare this late in the pregnancy. It usually happens in the first month but you have a month left til he's here. You also didn't know. You would've bled and knew what was happening but none of that happened." She informs me.
"I never felt him kick in the few weeks. It's my fault. I should've knew" I try to say while I'm crying. "You also said last appointment it looked the same as last. That everything was going the same. Good" I tell dr what she told me.
I wasn't trying to blame her but it came off that way.
We go over the photos and then she tells me I need to tell someone.
I didn't want to at all. It was my fault I kept saying. I didn't want to tell Tom.
"You can't drive yourself amber. I'm very sorry. Can you call Tom to come pick you up" she suggests.
"No. He's in Pittsburgh" I hand her my phone with Lauren's contact on the screen. She's the only person who will be there for me. "Don't tell her though. Just tell her to come" I say.
"Thanks" I tell dr.angeles when she's giving me back my phone.
I just sit there in silence crying. Dr.angles keeps talking to me and I'm not listening so she gives me a whole bunch of papers and schedules me an appointment at the delivery room to get the baby out.

   Lauren arrives in not even 20 minutes.

                          Lauren POV
I get in the doctors office and see amber sitting there in the chair hunched over crying her eyes out. I had no idea what happened but it had to do with the baby so I just assumed that the baby had something wrong with it. That was the first thing that came in my head.
I go right over to her and hug her. She cries even more gripping on to me.
"Thank you for coming" she gets out
"No. Shh... it's fine. Anything for you babe" I say and then the doctor taps me. "I'll be right back"

"Thank you for coming to get her. She's not stable to drive her self or be by herself right now. I just wanted to tell you what's wrong. She didn't want me to tell anyone but I just have to let you know.  It's up to her to do the rest. Something happened very late in the pregnancy. She keeps blaming herself but it is not her fault. Things like this happen but I never seen it this late. The baby had passed away so she had a miscarriage. I gave her papers so she can go to 'deliver' the baby, when there's a miscarriage it's going to be a c-section to get him out. I advise to have someone by her side all through this and I see you will do that. All the information is in the papers." Ambers doctor explains it all to me. I cannot believe this and I have no idea how she is right now. She needs to tell Tom ASAP so he can get on the next flight to Washington. I want to tell him but ambers the one who needs to. It'll be best.

I take her back to my house and we talk for hours. The game is today so she kept saying she didn't want to bother him but I texted him myself and just said "you need to take the next flight out of Pittsburgh and get here to be beside your girl. I don't want to say anything. You just need to get here ASAP and she needs to explain everything".
Ambers going to be mad at me but it's okay because she needs to have him here and tell him.

It was now 3 pm and Tom just now answered me.
"Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry I didn't have my phone. Please tell me what's going on. I'm going to call her now. I just wanted to text you back. Thanks for texting me. The next flight leaves at 6:45. I won't be in town until 8 or later tonight. Lauren. Please tell me I'm freaking out" he says. I still want amber to tell him.
"I can't tom. She needs to tell you everything. Its going to be okay if you stick by her and love her unconditionally like you both already do. Please don't call her. She's trying to sleep for the first time today.  Don't call her. She's at my place everything will be fine until you get here." I text back and lock my phone to make some food.

      Next chapter will be Tom home and all of that

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