Part 30//

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So today is Thursday and I have another appointment scheduled with the baby doctor. I scheduled it for 9am so Tom would be able to come with me and still not skip practice. It's the playoffs and they already lost the first game yesterday so they need extra practice to win tomorrow's game.

"Tommm wake up and get ready. We have to leave in like half an hour." I tell him while poking him to wake.
"5 more minutes" he moans.
I roll my eyes and go into the bathroom to brush my teeth then do my hair and makeup since I was already dressed.
After I was all finished with that, Tom wasn't in bed or in the other bathroom so I walked down the stairs to see him trying to find something in the kitchen to eat.
"Tom. Cmon we don't have time. We can go through timmies after the appointment. It shouldn't take long." I tell the grown man acting like a 6 year old.

Tom finally comes down stairs 10 minutes later in some adidas soccer pants and a red capitals Tshirt.

"I'm ready babe" he assures me at the door because I already got my shoes on and everything.

Since Tom was the one who was driving, I couldn't tell him where and where not to go. He had control. It was now 8:36 and we've been sitting in the til Hortons drive through for about 10 minutes.

At the appointment

We arrived exactly at 9 am. I went straight up to the window. "Hello, amber wilson for a 9 o'clock appointment with dr.angeles" I tell the receptionist.
"Ah yes" she says. "Go ahead right back. She's already waiting for you"
I turn my head to Tom to see him stuffing Tim bits into his mouth. More than he can handle. He gets up to follow me in the back.

"Hello wilson family! How are y'all today?" She greets us.
"I think we're doing fine" I smile. "Baby has been kicking a lot more. It's so crazy to feel something like that" she laughs.
"It is. Very weird to experience. Will you take a seat on the couch and Tom sit anywhere you'd like." She orders us and we do what she says.
"So Tom... did your team win the game? I didn't get to watch any of it" she asks referring to game 1 of the playoffs.
"Oh-uh-no. Sadly we lost. But tomorrow night is game 2 so I hope we pull out a win there" he tells her.
I speak up. "I have a question for you. I was wondering if it would be fine to go to Pittsburgh for a few days. My friend will be driving and not flying of course because of the baby but I just want to make sure he won't pop out while in Pittsburgh" I ask to make sure of myself.
"It looks like he should be in there for a while longer. You're less than a month but it looks about 5 weeks until you could start feeling you're going to have him. But I'll do a test to make sure. Good thinking. No flying and don't do anything too much and you'll be fine to go watch your hubby play in the playoffs" she tells me getting excited about the end.

"Okay every thing looks about the same with the baby. You're able to go to Pittsburgh but if you feel any type of way, you got my number." She smiles handing me a paper of my check up. "Oh and stop at the counter on your way out and schedule another appointment in 2 weeks. That will be our last one until I deliver that kid" she says. I shake my head and we head out to schedule the appointment.


It was about 10 am. Tom dropped me off at Lauren's house and he picked up TJ. They were carpooling to practice.
"Should be home before 1. Love you" he says out the window giving me a kiss.

Lauren and I just sit around the house and watch real housewives.
"Did I tell you I'm allowed to go to Pittsburgh" I ask her.
"No you didn't!! I'm so happy. Yay. It'll be no kids and just us two wives going. No body else I'm pretty sure." She informs me.
"Good" I laugh.
"So how'd the appointment go today?" She asks wanting information.
"I guess good. She said everything's the same" I tell her.
"Any names yet? How's the room coming along? How much longer do you have? When-"
"Lauren!! Enough with the questions" I tell her.

Alittle while later, around noon, I walked up the street to my house to take a nap before Tom gets here.
I fell asleep for about 5 minutes then the doorbell rang.
"Are you serious" I mutter to myself.

It was Andre. "What do you want. You know he's at practice. Aren't you supposed to be there and get healthier so you can play?" I snap a little at him.
"Geez grumpy momma today eh? But I was bored and I wanted to know if you wanted to go get lunch because I'm also starving. Also are you going to invite me in or what amber" he says just walking in. I had no say in the last part.
"Well Tom will be home soon. I don't want to leave him hanging and not get to come eat with us. But he also has to get a shower so you'll have to wait for and hour or two." I tell Andre who's now sitting on my floor playing with Bauer.
"Oh no. I want to go now. I can't wait for Tom to come. Too long wait" he says to me.
"I'm sorry but That's how it is."
"Amber, if you don't mind can I stay here and wait for Tom. I miss you guys. I won't see you when the baby gets here so.." he asks and I think for a moment.
"I guess so Andy. You know where everything is to make a sandwich or whatever" I tell him knowing he's here all the time.

I end up making 5 of these sandwiches that Tom and Andre love for me to make along with some noodles.

After everyone ate, I finally got my nap in while they were both upstairs finishing the last touches on the baby's room. It would finally be finished. This is a great time to do it because I can't lift and they'll be going to Pittsburgh soon.

"Thanks for the help man" Tom says opening up the front door for Andre which means he's leaving. He's been here for about 5 hours because it's now 6pm.
"Bye Andre. Thanks. See you soon" I say which is true because he'll be back sooner than I know it.


"I can't believe it's 7 o'clock already. My days went so fast. Coach tired me out then I came and worked on the furniture which I hope is built right." I look over to him with a scared look.
"I'm just kidding babe. I followed directions this time and I didn't let Andre do any of the furniture so that's good" he laughs. I didn't think it was funny. I was scared.
"Go take a shower, eat, go to bed. You look tired. I think I'm going to FaceTime my aunt and then I'll be up to take a shower then go to bed myself. You got a big game tomorrow so go get some rest. Love you goodnight" I tell him.
"Night, Love you more. Tell her I said hi!" He says before running up the stairs like I little kid.

Soon enough I'll have a dog, a big little kid, and a baby running around this house. What am I going to do?

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