Part 15//

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I felt a lick on the side of my check. I really hoped it was Bauer and not Tom because their breath stunk.
I open up my eyes. "Bauer! Hey boy" I say to him in a kids voice. That's the longest I've been away from him and Tom picked him up while I was in bed last night.
When he brought him home, he put him in his cage so he must've let him out this morning.
"He missed you eh" Tom says walking in with a mug.
"It looks like it doesn't it" laugh taking the cup from Tom to take a drink.
"That's for you anyways" he says not taking back the mug.
He made me my favorite tea. It's hot black tea but with 5 spoonfuls of sugar. I shouldn't drink it like that but it's the only way I'll drink it.

"I miss Florida" Tom whines. "But its back to practice tomorrow to get ready for the game against the blues Sunday afternoon" he says.
"Me too" I agree with missing Florida.
"Are you coming to the game Sunday?" He questions.
"Of course. I wouldn't miss it. I finally get to show off this new piece of jewelry on my finger to everyone"
I say looking down smiling at it.
"I love you. Beagle asked if I wanted to go get lunch and a few drinks with him around 1. Is that alright?" He asks me.
"Babe, you don't have to ask. I'm not your wife yet" I laugh. "Plus I had enough of you this week" he rolls my eyes at him. He gives me a kiss then goes to get dressed.

I actually wasn't feeling myself anyway for some odd reason. I just wanted to stay home in my pjs all day and watch tv. When I get up in the morning, I usually just think about food but I'm not hungry or anything. I couldn't have just got sick that soon. I was fine all week.

"I'm about to leave babe. I'm going to pick him up." Tom says coming in to the living room giving me a hug and Bauer a rub on his head.
It's now noon but jay lives 20 minutes away from our apartment. Then depends how heavy traffic is.

1 new message:
From Lauren😇💙- hey girl. I know you probably am tired of being around me but jay and Tom also asked TJ to go out with them so I'm just home with gray and I was wondering if you wanna come over and have lunch with us and hang out.
To Lauren😇💙- Ill never get tired of you laur! Plus I would love to come see gray bc I miss him lol. And I bet they'll be out on their little date all day. Ill be over in 30.

I don't feel great but I'm still going to spend time with her and gray.
I'm not going to get myself all pretty to go over there so I just change out of my pjs to get into navy blue and white adidas jogger pants, and a red capitals hoodie that's oversized. I pull up my straightened hair into a ponytail, put on my beige uggs with bows on the back, grab my keys and purse, and I take Bauer with me because gray lives him.
I take the jeep because Tom took the rover.
She lives 15 minutes away but the traffic wasn't heavy so I got there in 10.

I ring the doorbell and I hear barking. It's their dog Franco. Lauren opens up the door holding gray and Bauer runs right in to play with Franco.
"Hey Gray" I say with a voice.
I put out my hands to get him from Lauren as she hands him over.
We go in to the living room. Gray sits in his play pin while Lauren and I sit on the couch to talk.

"This morning, all of a sudden I started not to feel good." I explain to her.
"Really? All trip you were fine. You didn't have to come over. You could've stayed and rested" she told me.
"No it's fine I wanted to come. But like it's not a cold or anything. I don't know what kind of sick it is. Like I just don't feel myself. It feels like I'm going to throw up but I'm not. My stomach just starts to turn at everything I think about." I tell Lauren.
"Are you pregnant" Lauren asks. I thought she was joking around but she's not. She's being serious.
"No Lauren" I get defensive.
"You can tell me if you are amber. It's okay" she comforts me.
"I'm really not Lauren" I chuckle.
"Are you a million percent sure" she asks again for the hundredth time.
"Yes Lauren. I'm sure I'm not pregnant. I swear. I can't be"
"When was the last time you had sex?" She questioned. "And were you using protection?"
"You don't need to know my sex life" I laugh.
"Amber. Just answer the question. I'm not trying to be in your sex life. I promise. I'm just helping now answer the question" she says.
"Ugh fine. It was like a week ago. I don't remember what day. And yes. Of course we were using protections mom. I'm not stupid."
"Well it's been more than 6-8 days. That's when a person starts to feel different. I know neither of you are stupid. I was just making sure. Can you just do me and yourself a favor?" She asks. "There's an extra pregnancy test in the 2nd drawer under the sink. Please just go take it just incase. It's just to be safe" Lauren tells me and begs me to take it.
I moan and get off of the couch. "Fine"

I go into the bathroom and read the directions. I know you pee on it and wait but I never done one of these so I wasn't sure exactly how to take a test.
Many of things are going through my head right now.
How will Tom feel? Will he still love me? Does he want kids? We just got engaged. How will this affect his NHL career? We are just 21/22 years old. What will our families think? Will his fans think badly of him? What will happen with our relationship?
There are many of other of things too.

I peed on the stick, sat it on the top of the toilet, and ran out of the bathroom to go back to Lauren.

5 minutes went past. I waited longer than you're supposed to but I did to make sure the test is going to be correct.
"So are you going to go look in there ever or will I have to?" Lauren asks looking over at me.
"You" is all I say. She makes her way to the bathroom and comes out with the test in her hand.
"Do you want to see it?" She asks me.
I just shake my head lightly 'yes'.
She hands the stick to me.
2 lines.
"What's this mean" I ask.
"You're pregnant amber."
I just stare at it without crying or anything. I want kids with Tom I do but questions just keep coming into my head and I'm scared.
"It's okay amber" Lauren comes to sit beside me on the couch to comfort me. She rubs her hand up and down on my back. "I promise you it's going to be all okay. You need to tell Tom but you don't have to right now. I understand you weren't planning it but it's still a miracle and a joy to this world. You'll understand when you talk to Tom about this. He will support you. He loves you. That's why he asked you to marry him and move in with him. He'll love this kid too. If you need anything or just want to talk, I'm here and you know that. I promise you I won't tell anyone until you're ready. I love you Amb" she tells me what she thinks of it and everything. I give her a huge hug and give her a slight smile.
"Thank you so much Lauren. It's just I don't know what's going to happen. I'm going to tell him but not right now. I'm going to take this test though"
I say putting it in my purse.
"I'm going to go home. Thank you for everything."
I give her and gray a hug and grab Bauer.
"Hey" Lauren says before I go out the door. "While the guys are at practice one day, you better come eat lunch with us like you were supposed to. But I understand why you're leaving. I'd be the same way. Even though gray was planned, I didn't tell TJ until like 3 weeks after. That was a mistake. Tell Tom before this weekend."

I put Bauer in the back and my stuff in the passenger and head back to the hotel.
I needed to call my aunt who's like a mom to me.
I called her and explained to her. She's supportive and calmed me down like Lauren did. She told me to call my other mom figure, Toms mom.
I know she can keep this secret and she's such an understanding, caring, supportive person. She is my mom because we're getting married. Hope that doesn't change everything because I'm pregnant.

Tom gets home around 4:30 and I try to act normal as ever. I just told him I had the stomach flu and a headache so I stayed in my room all day without him bothering me. I hated lying but I promise tomorrow or Friday I will be telling him.

I wanted to André because he's my guy best friend. Tom came and told me around 6pm that he was hungry so he was going to go get Taco Bell then get gas for the jeep. He will be gone for a little bit so I go down a few doors to Andrés apartment and knock on the door. He opens it.
"Hey where's Tom"
"Taco Bell. I just wanted to tell you something. You're my best guy friend so promise to keep it from your best guy friend Tom" I tell him knowing he wouldn't keep a secret.
"You're scaring me. Why can't I tell Tom" he asks.
"André. Promise. I trust you enough to keep this from him. I'm going to tell him. It's not bad or anything. I'm not cheating on him or anything I promise. I can't believe I'm going to tell you to keep it from him of all people." I say.
He promises on the whole world that he won't say anything to anyone and I believe him.
I put the test in the pocket of my hoodie.
I pull it out. "What that"
"A pregnancy test. I'm pregnant André. I'm scared, yes. But I'm going to tell him. Only you, Lauren, Toms mom and my aunt know. I don't want him or any of the other guys to know yet. Do you promise"
I show him the test. He's shocked.
"Oh wow. I promise I won't tell. Thank you for telling me. If you need anything you know where I live" he says giving me a hug. "When are you going to tell him?" He asks.
"Idk. Before this weekend so probably tomorrow or Friday. I need to tell him and not chicken out." I say.
I walk out into the hallway. "Love you smalls" he says. "Love you too biggie" I smile walking back to the apartment.
I get back just in time. I lay in my bed and hear the door close. It's Tom.

((She's pregnant!!! How do you guys feel?? Amber will tell Tom soon but she's mostly scared how their life will be after telling Tom and having people know.))

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