Part 31//

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Friday. Game 2.

     I woke up later than usual today, around noon. Tom wasn't in bed so that meant he had already left for morning skate and everything else he needs to prepare for before the game at 8 tonight.
      I was not planning to go to the game because Lauren and I was going to travel to Pittsburgh. It takes about 5 hours. I was going to drive two and she was going to drive the rest. Before we hit the road, we were going to get something to eat then go.
Our plans were to go to eat at 3pm and then arrive in Pittsburgh around 9. Just in time to watch the game in the hotel room.

      I got right up when I seen it was noon to get a shower and get ready. Once I got out of the shower, I dried my body and my hair. I got dressed in black leggings, a plain white shirt, and put some white converse on. When my hair was all dried, I straightened it just to put it up in a ponytail. I then brushed my teeth. That was the last thing I did because I wasn't going to wear makeup.

While I was waiting for time to pass watching tv, Lauren gives me a call.
"Hey what's up" 
"I'm about to go drop off Gray at TJs moms house then I have to come back to the house and pick you up so I'll be there in about 15 minutes. We'll go get lunch then get on the road."
"I'm ready. Just sitting here watching teen mom.. thats fine just honk or text me when you're out front."
"Alright. See ya soon bye bye"
We both hang up and I go upstairs to grab my suitcase, bag, and purse to bring it down stairs by the door.

To Tom 😍😘👊🏼- hey babe.  I'm not gonna see you today because we're leaving soon so I'll see you tonight or tomorrow. Good luck!!💙❤️ I'll be watching from the hotel room. Love you❣️

I get a response in a record time–5 minutes.  Usually on a game day I don't get a response for a few hours.

From Tom 😍😘👊🏼- thank you, I'll try my best. Be safe and text me when you guys arrive. I'll see it eventually. Love you!💙

     I shut off the tv and grab my bags to go sit out on the front porch. I turn around from locking the door and just on cue, Lauren pulls up and honks like a 5 year old is behind the wheel.
I put my bags in the trunk and then get in the passenger side.

"So we all set" Lauren asks.
"I think so. Where are we going to get something to eat?" I question. 
"Wherever you want to pregos" she laughs.
"Chic fil a please" I suggest.

      We don't even go inside chic fil a. We just go through the drive thru so we can get to Pittsburgh. Sooner the better. It's Friday afternoon there's going to be a lot of traffic

      We arrived at the hotel earlier than we thought because we stopped once for 20 minutes. It was 8:26 exactly when I texted Tom and told him we made it safe.  We are actually in the team hotel so it's going to be me, Lauren, Tom, and TJ sharing the room.
I turned on the game and I see that we only missed half of the first period.               They were tied 1-1.
When period two came on, it was a very boring period until the caps scored late with 6 minutes left. Now there was trash talking and lots of penalties getting thrown around.  Tom had gotten one himself for cross checking the captain, Sidney Crosby.

Once he came out of the box, he was on his way to the bench when a penguin literally jumped on him and pushed him and Tom went smashing into the boards head/side first. I just screamed and Lauren came out of the bathroom running to see what was wrong.
"Oh my gosh. Lauren look at him. He hasn't moved for a few minutes. You should've seen this hit. He was no where near the fucking puck Lauren" I start to get mad and cry a little.
He always had a past of getting hurt but this I never seen before. I was so scared.
"I just want to be with him right now. Whys it have to happen when I'm not at the game" I say referring to last year when he went into the boards head first and he got a concussion.
"Amber. Just calm down. everything will be okay. He's moving around a little bit in pain but it's great that he's moving his body. The trainers are with him. You know they do the best at their job. Just text him and the Johnny to see what's wrong.  Everything is going to be okay. Just sit down and not freak out much that'll affect the baby for stressing this much" Lauren tells me sitting next to me in a towel trying to calm me down. She knows what it's like because she has a hockey player as a husband.

To Tom😍😘👊🏼-  I was watching the game when that happened. You were no where near that fucking puck. What's wrong with them?  I'm praying everything is okay. Please please text or call me when you can. Love you, everything will be okay. I don't know why I told you that because Lauren keeps telling me the same thing.

I sent that then I get a message from the trainer Johnny the trainer and Andre.

From burvy🤠- everything's going to be fine. I came with them in ambulance. They wanted to take Tom straight to hospital for test. I'll have him call later. Talk to you later amber.

From JohnnyTrainer1- hello amber. I just wanted to update you on everything. Tom made sure I contacted you so you wouldn't worry. He doesn't have his phone or anything so if you need him, call here. Andre said he tried to tell you what's wrong but I reread his message and he never makes sense so what's going on is that we're taking him downtown to D.C. Hospital to get evaluated and tested further. I know that he's got a small concussion. Nothing big he can still do anything he can do. He also has a fracture in his pointer and pinky finger on his left hand. We don't want to bother him with his arm which he says is hurting him. So we're at the hospital waiting for him. Ill let you know everything that we know. He doesn't want you to worry at all. If you need anything or have questions, you have my number.

To JohnnyTrainer1- hi! Thank you so much. I was worrying and Andre can't explain anything, your right lol. I don't have anything to say right now. If I do I'll text you. Please let me know what's going on and tell him to call me when he gets a chance.

From JohnnyTrainer1- haha, will do amber. Talk you soon and see you tomorrow in Pittsburgh.

I lock my phone and try to get some rest. The team will be coming after they get done with the game tonight. It's the 3rd period and it's 2-1 penguins. Sunday is game 3 and Tuesday is game 4 then it is back home if they don't get shut out. I'm only staying until Monday because I have to go to my appointment on Wednesday at 8am.

"What time is it?" I ask Lauren with an attitude because I was tired.
I hear her roll over. "Ugh- 1am" she tells me.
I get up to pee first then I go to see who's making all the noise.

I go out in the hallway to see the guys piling in trying to find their rooms. I see TJ and ask him where Tom was.
"He told me to tell you he wasn't coming on this trip because he's still in the hospital until tomorrow morning they're going to let him go. He's doing good though. He wants you to stay for the game though" he tells me setting his bag in our room.
"That really sucks. I'm so mad and sad for him. I know how much he wants to play. I have to stay because I can't fly and I don't want to drive back this soon. We just got here and I don't want to ruin your wife's time." I say then turn around to see Andre staying there with all his things.
"I got kicked out of my room. Nisky brought his girl with him without me knowing so he wants the room by himself. Can I stay with you please" he asks in a sad tone.
"What's wrong with him. She's just using him. I tell him that so many times. Yes Andre you're welcomed. You're like a brother to me so we can share the bed. You have to get some rest for the games and I need a bed because I'm pregnant" I tell him getting back in the bed where I was before they all were loud waking me up.

      I can't believe Toms not allowed to play for the rest of this year. It'll take about 2 months to get healthy and back to contact practice.

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