Chapter 36

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Brooke's P.O.V

"Brooke? Where are you?" I was in my closet as I hold my knees to my chest. I then heard the bedroom door opening. I saw a light through the closet door, I covered my mouth and the door slammed open. He dropped the flashlight down and he grabbed me by the hair. I saw the knife as I looked it the door to see Christian shoot in his chest and as the tears falling. "Your precious Christian isn't going to help you". He stabbed me as I screamed.

I sat up as I looked at the clock and it's three. I looked at Christian who was still sleeping and I walked to the window as I put my silk robe on and I saw a small child hugging each other. Then I felt two strong arms around my waist as warm kisses on my neck. "Queen". I turned my body to see my King. "My King". He smiles as he kisses my forehead. "Are you okay baby?" I rubbed his arms and I kissed his jawline. "I had had a nightmare, that's all". I replied back as he pulled me to the bed and I sat on him as I moved up and down. His hand moved up my back as the other hand went down my back and he rubbed my butt. I got a message from Ryan.

Ryan: I wanted to say this... I had lost my child and Melanie got in a car crash

I then decided to call him.

"Mum, I need you and dad here"

"Ryan, please calm down. We will be there don't worry son"

"Don't be too long"

I hung up and I looked at him. "We need to get to the hospital". I dropped my robe as I put Christian's long shirt on, I put my shorts on and then my black hoodie. "What's wrong?" He asked as I had tears falling. "Melanie lost Noah and she got in a car crash". He puts his shirt on and Nike shorts on. He grabbed the car keys as I left a note on the kitchen bench and walked out the house. We got in his car and I tied my hair up as he started driving. His phone rang through his Bluetooth. I answered as he wanted to be there next to Ryan.

"Hello Kitty Kat"

"Brooke, we need you and Christian"

"We can't be there our son-"

"You, I know who killed Ryan's girl and her parents"

"How do you know that?"

"I'm here with Ryan"

"Put Ryan on now! Anatolia!"

I looked at him as he stopped the car and he banged his hand on the car stirring will.

"Dad, kill Harrison, Harry! Or whatever his fucken name is! Just kill him!"

"We will son!"

Then the line went dead as Christian pulled to an old factory. We got out of the car as we opened the boot and I grabbed my bag. "I've missed this". I looked at Christian as I pulled off the hoodie. I pushed the shirt off and I put on my pink crop top with white lace and a matching skirt too. I put my straight blonde wig on as I saw Chris looking like the bad boys in highschool. "Looking hot Queen". I opened the car as I laid on the back seat and he put my legs on the side as he shuts the door and got on top of me. He started sucking on my neck as my fingers through his hair and his lips then brushed against my lips. I smashed my lips into his as I sat him up and I sat on him.


(Warning: Here is going to be a little dirty since its quick)

I saw Chris walking to me as he walked my butt and some guy pushed him. "Hey back off cunt". Christian walked away as the guy wrapped his hand around my wait and I kissed his cheek. I pulled him to a room as I looked it shut and I hand cuffed him to the bed. I slapped his face as Christian walked in and I sat on the chair. "Where is Harrison?" Christian asked as he chuckles. "He is at his house". He said as I saw his driver license and his name is Doyle Erin. I walked to him as I sat on his lap and I cut his shirt in half. "Doyle, where is his house?" I whispered in my sexy morning voice. "I'll tell you when fuck face leaves". I walked to him as he gave me a belt and he kisses me as he then walked out. "Where is the house?" I wrapped the belt tight on his legs and I take off the handcuffs. I put him on the bed as I licked his chest and he rubbed my wig. "Okay, okay... I'll tell you after a real hard kiss". I took off my crop top as I smashed my lips into his, he squeezed my chest as his tongue in between my lips as our tongues were playing with each other. I rubbed my hands on his chest and he pulled back as he slipped a piece of paper in my bra. "Can you get it out?" I'm not like this with my real self. He puts his hand inside my lace bra as he pulled the paper out. "Your boobs are hard". I giggled as he puts my shirt on and I pulled him for another kiss. "Every single guy had always told me that". I said as I walked out of the club.


Justin's P.O.V

I was packing Bethany's bags and I looked at her as she was wearing pink pants and flower shirt as well with her blue ribbon on her head. I see Heath still asleep in his elephant toy as his arms and legs were wrapped around the elephants back leg. "Your brother will protect you when you are both at school". I said as she smiles and I kissed her forehead. "Daddy loves you so much". She giggles as I felt two arms around my waist and I see Sadie as I placed my hands on hers. "The honeymoon"

Hey guys, I just got my iPhone 6s on Saturday last week from my dad. I'll publish my story's when I can.

-My Pretty Kittens

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