Chapter 19 (Picture of Lola)

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Brooke's P.O.V

I was at the doctors for a check up. I've been feeling weird theses days and I think it has something to do with the babies. I reading the message Christian has been recorded reading stories for the babies. "Brooke Alexander?" I saw the doctor and I followed him to his room. I sat on the bed as he puts his gloves on. "Hello Brooke, how are you?" The doctor asked. "I'm fine... Just missing my husband". I said as he nodded and turning on the remote on. He puts it in his ear and rubbed it around my belly as he looks at it weird. "Is there something wrong?" I asked as he was checking the back for the batteries. "Brooke, I'm sorry". I covered my mouth.


I was at home eating ice cream and I heard the doorbell rang. I walked to the door and I saw the post man. I signed the paper and I take the passel. I shut the door and I opened it to see pictures of Chelsea and his assistant. I dropped the pictures on the floor and I looked at all of them. I picked them I put it on his desk and I walked back to the kitchen. I continued eating my ice cream and I saw felt tears falling. I had predicted this would happen and it did happen. I pushed the tub of ice cream on the floor and I dropped on the floor. I cried and then I was taking something medicine. Soon, I saw black.

Avery's P.O.V

I was walking to my locker and I saw Kingsley with Braxton. "Momma". Kingsley said as I hold her. "Hey beautiful". I kissed her cheek. "Hey Avery". I looked at Braxton. "Hi". I said as he placed his lips on mine. "I'm sorry about everything... I don't like the idea". I nodded as I kissed him. "I know... God damn I've missed your kisses". I said as he kisses me. "Remember baby here". I said as he kissed her cheek and giggles. "Sorry Kingsley if I had squashed you to your mummy". He said. "Dada Brax". Kingsley said as he takes her, he threw her in the air and caught her as she giggles. My phone rang and it was unknown. "Hello Avery speaking?" I asked. "It's Justin, where are you?" "I'm with Braxton and Kingsley at school... We were on our way home". I said. "Come to the hospital now". "What the hell is going on?" "It's mum". "What about mum?... Is she okay? What's going with her? Where's dad?" "Avery Alexander! Get your ass here... I need you guys! I'm losing hope". He stared to cry. "Justin, we are coming. Hold on". I said as I hang up. "Braxton, can you look after Kingsley... I need to go". I said as he nodded and I ran to the front of the school. I saw Lucas and Fred and I ran to them. "Mum.... is... in... the... hospital". I said as I catch my breath and we ran to Lucas car. I saw Jasmine inside and we got in as I started to tear up. "Avery, why are you crying?" Jasmine asked as she gives me a tissue and I whipped my tears. "Mum is in the hospital". Lucas said as he drives us to the hospital.


We got out of the car. We ran inside the hospital and I saw dad on the floor with his hands in his hair. I ran to them and I dropped next to dad. I hugged him and he hugged me back. "Daddy, what happened to mum?" I asked as he whipped my tears. "I don't know princess". Dad said as I saw Jasmine in Fred's arms. We see Ryan walking in with a doctor. We got up and I hugged Ryan. "Is Brooke okay? Is my triples okay?" Dad asked. "She had an appointment day... I'm sorry but your babies". The doctor said as dad's boys and our little brothers are dead. "Brooke is okay, but she is coma". The doctor said as Ryan kissed my head. We walked to her room and I saw mum. I stood next to her bed and I kissed her cheek. "Momma... please wake up?" I asked as I tear up again. "I've been a brat for a long time... I'm sorry about everything". I said as I hugged Justin as he cries.


Christian's P.O.V

I was looking at Brooke the whole time. I walked over to her and I placed my hand on hers. "Brooke, I'm a real stupid husband". I said as I saw her move. Then she moved and the nurse walked in. "She might wake up without her mask". The nurse walked out and I rubbed her cheek. "I let my assistant kiss me... I'm sorry and I left without saying bye to you". I said as tears were falling down my face. "I still went with her and she kissed me again". I said as I kissed her cheek. "Please wake up... I lost someone before you... I love you my Queen". I kissed her lips and I cried in her chest. I placed her hands on my chest and I saw my name on her wrist and I pushed my sleeve up. I looked at her name on my arm and I rubbed her head.

Brooke's P.O.V

I saw bright light as I see Treyvonetta and Rebecca. "Am I dead?" I asked as they smiled. "Your in coma... We missed you". Rebecca said as I held there hands. "I missed you too". I said as I looked at my wrist with Christian name. "You need to wake up". Treyvonetta said. "No, he kissed another women and he laid to me... He doesn't love me". I said as they shook there head. "Yes he does". Treyvonetta said. "He has been crying and he still crying for you to wake up". Rebecca said as they go away. "No! Come back!" I shouted as they faded away.

Hey guys, sorry for a short chapter. R.I.P to the triples and Brooke saw the pictures of Christian and the assistant. Christian back from his work and to find out Brooke is in the hospital. The kids were all upset especially Justin. He is a sensitive guy for a hot one. The boys got there hotness from their father. Jasmine was hiding her feelings inside because she was trying to be brave.

Anyway, enjoy

-My Pretty Kittens

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