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13 months prior to the present day

October 3, 2016

"You got this mi amour!" My mother clamored over me as I sat the straps of my bag at the joint of my arm. The butterflies were busting into flocks inside my stomach just thinking about my first day in the office.

"I know, I'm just so nervous and when I'm nervous I talk too much and you know what happens when I talk too much-" Cut off mid-sentence my mother pushed a finger to my lips and quieted my nervous ranting.

"You are rambling again!" My mother's voice is loud and boisterous as she speaks gaining my attention right away. "No listen to me baby, you are going to be amazing out there! Just be yourself, that's why they hired you in the first place!" Her long thick brown hair hits me in the face when she flips it.

"You are right! I can do this!" I raise my fist in the air and wave to my mother who hasn't left for the work of her own yet.

Today was the big day, I was determined not to screw it up since I had a habit of self-sabotage. As long as I didn't ramble I was completely fine and everything should go smoothly. Reaching into my bag as I get into the car I answer the phone that is going off.

"Are you ready for your first day at Lachlan Legal?!" A voice shouted on the other end which happened to belong to my best friend Talia. Today was both our first day at work and it was nice to talk to someone who knew what those jitters felt like.

"I want to throw up in my mouth!" I admitted turning the ignition to the car, I needed to get going. I needed to make an impression and a good one at that. So because of this, I thought I would be five or so minutes early since it would show that I really wanted the job and that I cared.

"Are you ever not disgusting?" Talia asked me as I peeled away and onto the street. My mind was running faster than this car as I made my way closer and closer to every stop light that stalled me.

"Well, how are you feeling with all this? I mean look at you working for Roberts and Smith!"

"I mean it is my father's law firm... It's not as impressive as working at Lachlan! Mads, that's the most prestigious law firm in Miami!" Talia emphasized making me feel even more nervous than I was before. I knew that this was the biggest law firm in Miami but hearing someone remind me once again of that made me all that much more nervous.

"Roberts and Smith is the second biggest law firm in Miami! Also, you promise me that since our firms are rivals we will keep work at work. If we ever have a case together we can't take anything personal because that's all it is, work." I didn't want our work to come between Talia and me because working for rivalry firms I could see that potentially happening if we didn't make it known that nothing was personal.

"Mads, we are best friends! Nothing can come between that, look I better get going or I'm going to be late." Talia and I made our goodbyes as I tossed my phone back in my purse and pulled into an open parking spot. Staring at the huge building through my window pane my heart flipped inside my chest. My body shook as I stood up out of the car and began to make my way up into the towering building.

Walking inside my heels clicked against the beige tile until I was met with the elevator. Stepping into the empty elevator I pressed the button that read seven, upon pressing it, it lights up to signal it was been pushed. Looking up I do the exercises my mother has instructed me to do when I was nervous, deep breathing.

"Oh shit!" I mumble to myself over and over again while also trying to do these deep breathing methods. I probably look like I am about to give birth with the way I am breathing but my mom was right, it was calming me down.

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