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November 6, 2016

"Something bout you makes me feel like a Dangerous Woman! Somethin' bout, somethin' bout"

My phone sings causing to me shoot up from my laying position. I pop my eyes open and see the sun high in the sky and blink away feeling a massive headache take place.

I check my phone and see my mother's caller ID bright on my screen. I groan and look over at Harry who is still completely passed out on the patio couch we had passed out on. I guess I had fallen asleep on him last night...

I pick up my phone and groggily give a hello just to be met with my mothers' boisterous voice in the speakers of my phone. The headache throbs against my skull at the change of volume.

"Where in the hell are you?" She starts off causing me to put my hand over my eyes noticing that the light from the sun is greatly bothering my eyes. "I have been trying to get ahold of you all morning!"

"I fell asleep at Harry's I'm sorry I didn't text you to tell you I wasn't coming-"

"Madeline if you had sex with that boy last night I will drown you in holy water and-" I cut her off immediately to calm her escalating nerves.

"I didn't, we were drinking a little and we both fell asleep that's it." My voice is groggy and tired, I felt the need to curl back up next to Harry and sleep off this hangover. It was pounding against my head and talking to my loud-voiced mother wasn't doing me any favors.

"You were drinking and then JUST slept together? That is the biggest load of shit I have ever heard!" She snorted causing me to roll my eyes and sigh out heavily. After this, she begins to go on a Spanish speaking tangent that I only understood half of.

"Not everyone is you, Momma! I don't just sleep around with people like you did before Papa!" I scoffed laying my head back onto Harry's chest to have his arms curl around my back. I could feel his steady breathing as his chest moves up and down.

"Are you sassing me right now?" I stepped into dangerous territory and was I being a bit of an asshole? Yes, I was due to the throbbing against my skull I was experiencing.

"Momma, can we talk about this when I get home later?" I ask her in a whiny tone keeping my eyes shut to shield them away from the harsh light of the sun. I am losing my consciousness again as I am cuddled up on Harry and extremely comfortable.

"I want you home within the hour." She tells me but I brush it off and hang-up. Dropping my phone from my hand, my mouth hangs open and I go back into a 5-minute sleep. Harry stirs for a moment and I am woken up from his constant moving.

"How did you sleep?" He asks me in a raspy morning voice even though it has hit about 11:00. He stretches out and I see his biceps contract and relax. He yawns and being contagious a yawn along next to him.

"Great, what about you?" I ask him still laying on his chest not wanting to move or get up. I didn't even want to know what I looked like, my hair was most likely a hot mess and my makeup smeared all over my face.

"Great, I think I may have drunk a little too much last night, though," I confess snuggling back into the blanket we are both under. My eyes are sensitive to the outside light and the sound of the cars racing past each other and honking loudly. 

"Cheers to that, I have a massive headache," I tell Harry burying my face into the blankets and pray that the sun will sit lower in the sky and no high above the skyscrapers.

"Do you want some coffee and toast? That sometimes helps me with Hangovers." Harry explains as I nod and peek up at him not wanting him to leave the couch we are laying on. The touch of his lips is still tracing my lips as I thought about our kiss last night. 

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